25 - The Game: Part (1/2)

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Izuku's POV

Aizawa directs everyone into a line. We stand straight with our shoulders barely touching. We wait for instruction.

"Your task for today is to do a simple game. In this game, everyone must use their quirks in a creative way before scoring. If not, the point will not count. Now when I say creative, I mean that you have to use your quirk in a completely different way than before." Aizawa explains. "Any questions?"

Iida raises his hand, "I do, sir!"

"No questions? Great. The game is Capture the Flag. You all are standing on a number that is either one or two. Those are your teams."

Iida's voice can still be heard as he continues to attempt to ask a question. Aizawa had taken notice, yet didn't pay him any attention, as if he was ignoring him.

I look under my feet to find a number one. I quickly look around, trying to see who else has my number. So far, the group of people consisted of Todoroki, Tsuyu, Ururaka, Ashido, Aoyama, Iida. I run over to them as they yell 'number one' a bunch of times.

Kacchan is on the opposite team. I can see his excitement growing as his blood boils with anticipation for the game to start.

The sun is shining down quite a lot, the temperature outside is around 70 degrees. A band of sweat starts to form on my forehead as the heat is getting to me. I wipe it away and get ready for the game to start.

After a few minutes, each team seems to be in position. I am standing near the middle, not too close to the line separating the two sides. Todoroki planned out what each of us are to do. He said I will be on the defensive side since my quirk is better to deal with that. He said I can either tag or hurt the other team. Aizawa didn't say anything about injuring each other which worries me a great deal. I know how Katsuki can get... and I can see either me or others in the nurses office already.

Aizawa clears his throat, "the game starts... now" he says quite quietly.

Kacchan heard it loud and clear though as he runs over to our side.

Immediately I use one for all as the power spreads throughout my body. Katsuki runs without his quirk, which I found odd. Then all of a sudden he blasts an explosion upwards while spinning his hands creating a distraction as he goes past me quickly.

Dammit I thought to myself. I have to leave him to the others now as Kirishima is now coming towards my way. With each step he takes he hardens himself then goes back to normal. It was insane the amount of times he kept activating and deactivating his quirk. He suddenly jumps up, yet I predict this and I leap to stop him, and block him from going any further. We both fall on our feet as Kirishima slowly walks over to the jail and wait for someone to unlock the door.

Unlike the regular game of Capture the Flag, there is an actually jail cell in each corner of the two sides. Also instead of simply tapping someone's shoulder you have to push them back using your quirk.

I feel a slice of accomplishment until I see Kacchan carrying my team's blue flag in his hand.

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