33 - Near Him Again

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Katsuki's POV

I run around the field, a little out of breath. I look at the sky which is still mostly dark apart from the slow sunrise. My sight then goes back to the ground which is still a bit wet from the rain last night.

I find myself awake mostly because I couldn't fall asleep and ended up here at about 4 am.. training is better than sitting in my room doing nothing for a few hours. Plus I thought this would be a good way to clear my head. Which it is proving to be of help.

I take a quick glance at my watch and realize it's 5:30. I should go take a shower before school. I start running towards the road which leads back to the dorms.

The air is warm as it circles around me as I run on the road. It has a refreshing feeling to it, somewhat familiar.

Suddenly I see a person in the distance, I couldn't tell who they were yet they looked a little familiar. I kept running, thinking they were from my class, not giving it a second thought.

Once I get close enough, I realize who the person is... Deku is standing a little ways from me.

I slow my pace, eventually stopping in front of the boy across from me. I look at the nerd. His face is looking down at his feet, his eyes are glossy from what I can tell.

He looks up and sees me, I awkwardly put my hand on my neck, not exactly sure what to do. I keep my eyes on him and I realize that he is now shaking.

"Deku?" I ask, cautiously, not wanting to push him.

He then falls onto the ground and I quickly go over to him. I go on my knees, putting my arms around him, sightly lifting Deku up a bit.

I feel his pulse and it's still there. I take a sigh of relief, though I am a bit confused why he collapsed. I pick him up in my arms and start carrying him to the nurse's office. It's in the main building and it is a little far away from here. I run as quick as I can though, with worry filling my mind.

On the way, I occasionally look down at him, a small warmness forming in my chest as it's nice to have him near me again.


I slowly open the door as I reach the nurse's office. I look around seeing the nurse sitting at her desk, looking over some paperwork.

I cough loudly, trying to get the attention of the woman. She turns her chair around and sees me holding Deku.

"What seems to be the problem here?" She asks, turning her head to the side a little.

"He just collapsed." I say, looking down at the boy in my arms.

"Well just don't stand there, put him down so I can look at him"

I place Deku on a bed carefully, looking at him with countless questions coming to my mind. I pull up a chair near him and sit down.

"Was there anything else that he was doing before he passed out?" The nurse questions

"He was shaking and had tears in his eyes" I exclaim, waiting for a reply back.

She puts a thermometer in his mouth and waits for the sound.

Once it is heard, she takes it out and looks at it with questioning eyes.

"Looks normal, I think I know what it is. It seems he had a panic attack. I wouldn't worry, he should calm down and wake up soon. Was there anything in particular that could have made him anxious?" She exclaims

"Not that I know of" I say, looking back at Deku. I think I have a suspicion why though. It was probably the sight of seeing me.

Worry though leaves my mind as Deku is okay. I take a sigh of relief. The nurse says she'll be back in a bit as she needs to put this in her files. And with that, Deku and I are alone.

A small smile tugs at my lips. It's nice to see him so peaceful again. I hadn't been able to be this close to him in a while. My hand slowly reaches out to his arm, holding on.

I wish I had been able to tell him.. that I loved him. Maybe he would have stayed that one night. We could have talked it out more. And we may have still been together...

I hear a slight muffled sound, coming from the nerd which brings me out of my thoughts. I look over to him, as his eyes gently open.

"K-Kacchan?" He says with curiosity.

"Deku.." I say back softly.

"What happened?" he asks, with his eyes looking at me, almost fully opened.

"You.. had a panic attack.. and collapsed."

He nods his head, seeming to understand now. Deku looks away from me, with his eyes pointed at the ceiling.

His mesmerizing emerald eyes... his smile every time he used to see me... The way he laughs... I can't lose him again.

I love this nerd too much for that...

I open my mouth to say something, yet I'm interrupted by the nerd speaking.

"Kacchan... I'm sorry that you had to bring me all the way here." He states quietly.

"I wasn't going to leave you out there" I say slowly.

His eyes stay trained on the ceiling, seeming to not know where else to look.

We both stay quiet, with silence suffocating the room. I look at him, wanting to tell him how I feel, yet I'm not sure how to say it. I open my mouth, trying to will the words out, yet nothing seems to sound.

I need to tell him I love him... it may be the only way he will give us another try.

"Deku..." I say as he turns his head towards me.

A pool of nervousness comes over me as we have our eyes on each other, waiting for someone to speak.

Word Count: 1,013
I'm proud of me lol

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