Chater Five: Lose All Control

Start from the beginning

"I am going to try and take control over my body the same way I did when Camira didn't want to relinquish control. I am going to call upon my wolf and Camira her self to try and fight down the demon." I explain and cut the link before he could respond.

Calming my self down, and connecting with both my wolf and Camira isn't difficult, they had the same idea as I did. I slowly start to meditate and calm my self down, calming my mind down as well. That was the difficult part, calming my mind. The demon was in full control of my mind and was using the anger I felt to take control. So I figured if Camira, my wolf and myself all calmed down and felt nothing but calm and peaceful energy then slowly we would drain the demon of its anger and control.

"What are you trying to prove Belial?" I could hear Draven still trying to figure this demon out, but I could also feel the anger subsiding slightly in the room.

"Draven, please do not provoke the demon to be any angrier then it is." Cain tried to calm Draven down a bit without giving away the plan.

"Your precious mate will not succeed wolf boy. I am in total... AAAAAHHHH!!" the demon let out a pained, high pitched scream.

I continued thinking of happy, calming, and freeing thoughts of the days when I was carefree, when Cain and I could get some time to our selves and just relax, the days where there was nothing but peace and quiet. Slowly I could feel the demons control slipping; I could feel the anger fading away. I took this opportunity to push my self back in control of my mind. It hurt my head, and I could feel the demon fighting me. But his resolve was weakening the harder I fought, all because of my wolf and Camira. They were sending peace and calmness through the link, and so was Cain. I could feel him trying to help as well.

Before I could fully take control I started seeing black dots in my vision, slowly I was losing conciousness and control over my own body. This was not going to end well, I could feel it in the air. I tried talking to Cain but I couldn't connect with him, so I tired to talk to my wolf or Camira to find out what was going on but I got nothing again. Before I could think any more the darkness took over my vision and I blacked out.

I could feel the wind of a fresh breeze on my skin, hear the birds chirping in the distance and feel the tickle of the grass beneath me. Slowly I start to open my eyes and I am blinded by the sun. I had no clue where I was, all I knew it felt peaceful and serene. I could hear people whispering a little ways away from me but I couldn't make out what was being said.

"Sir she is waking up." A male voice said from beside me. I tried to sit up but my body was in so much pain, I let out a pained gasp before someone helped me sit up.

"Kat are you ok? Babe please, just talk to me." It was Cain, he sounded worried. What was he so worried about? Ok yeah I am in a hell of a lot of pain, but I am alive and slowly waking up.

"C-Cain?" my throat was dry and it hurt to try and talk.

"Don't try and speak just yet, you were fully possessed by Belial and you did substantial damage to the pack house. Your body will feel like you were run over by a train, your voice won't be the same for a good day, and you will need lots of rest and to remain isolated from everyone, including your mate here." That all too familiar deep gravely voice said from behind Cain.

"It's ok Kat, just rest and I will take care of you baby. Draven, shut up already and if she is in as much pain as you say she needs to be sedated to let her wolf heal her." Cain snapped irritated towards Draven.

"Cain, lets listen to him. Please hun." I rasped out trying to diffuse another stressful fight. I don't want to feel the negative energy any more, which was what started all this shit and let Belial take over my body.

"B-bu-but Kat," I raised my hand to silence Cain, I didn't want to try and talk again, it hurt too much.

"Kat, baby, don't you want to be comfortable and let me take care of you?" Cain asked through the mind link. I could feel his hurt through the bond.

"Yes I do hun, I love you more then anything. But if I did do damage to the pack house, all because I couldn't keep control of this demon, then I want to think of the pack's safety. If Draven thinks I need to be secluded so I don't go on a rampage then I want to do that." I tried to reason with him, I don't want to be away but I need to be for the safety of everyone. The full moon is coming up fast and Draven needs to figure out how to save me.

"I have a cabin on neutral land just out side of your territory Cain, you can position guards around there if you so choose but I will  need to take her there so I can exorcise this demon from your mate. It is the only safe place to do so." Draven tried to be nice about this, but his patience was falling thin, I could tell in the way he spoke.

"Fine but I will have wolves watching twenty four seven just to make me feel more at ease." Cain instructed fully in his Alpha mode. He leans down closer and kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you Kat, mind link me any time you want or need anything." Cain sounds so defeated.

"I will hun, I love you to never forget that. I will miss you, and all I need are some clothes please." I sent all the love I feel for him through the bond to try and ease his concern.

"Send someone with a bag for Kat, I will transfer us there now." With that I felt myself become weightless and had the feeling of free falling. I closed my eyes tight and waited for the feeling to disappear. When I finally felt normal I opened my eyes to see I was in a bedroom, on a comfortable bed with Draven standing in the corner of the room staring out the window.

This must be the cabin he was talking about; it was small but smelled of a cottage getaway. I just laid back into the bed and let myself fall asleep. I needed to rest so my wolf could heal my pains.

****There it is, something happened and Kat did some major damage. I will reveal it to you all in the next chappy!! VOTE for me please and COMMENT if you have anything to say!! Just letting you all know my next update won't be until November some time. My last day of work is halloween so after that I can update quicker.****

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