Sincerely, Du Hua

The girl smiled making her way to the Yuehua's dorm rooms. She knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in'. When she walked in she saw ChengCheng and Minghao doing some questionable things. They actually like brothers who are going to kill each other every second they get.

"Hey, so I'm going with you to your company tomorrow," Hua told Zhengting when he came out of the bathroom.

"Really, why?" The curious older boy asks.

"Nothing much, just talking about something," the girl says sitting down at the desk chair.

"Can I ask what about?" ChengCheng asks sitting on his bed.

"I don't know if I can say for now."

"You're no fun something," Minghao groaned at his girlfriend.

"But you love me," the younger girl says giving a hug to her boyfriend, he happily hugged back.

Then she remembered, that today is the last day of their relationship.

"Minghao, come with me," Hua says walking out of the room towards her's with Minghao following her.

"What's wrong?" Minghao asks frowning because of the sadness he could see in Hua's eyes.

"I don't even know how to say this," Hua huffed holding back her years. "Minghao, w-we n-need to-to br-break up-p."

The older boy's eyes widen at what he now ex-girlfriend has said, both of them has tears falling down their faces.

"It's better, you'll find out tomorrow I promise," Hua told Minghao through her tears.

"But why?!" Minghao says getting angry as he let tears fall. "Tell me why? Is it because of that Chenle dude?"

"This has nothing to do with Chenle!" Hua screamed back causing more tears to fall.

"Then I bet it was Shane!"

"This has nothing to do with any guys!" Hua sighs, sniffling. "This is for your own personal good. It will make sense tomorrow."

"I don't want to hear it, I thought you actually love me," the boy says leaving the room, slamming the door.

"I do love you," Hua told herself as she cried herself to sleep.

While the boys were trying to comfort Minghao. They had no idea why Hua would ever do that. It was pretty obvious that Hua loves Minghao and Minghao loves Hua. Everyone could see it, even if the couple themselves were blind to it.

Hua woke up around 1 am then 3 am. 4 am. 5 am. Finally, she would up at 6 am to get ready for today.

Walking to her bathroom, she realized that she had dried up tears on her face. Hua pushed what happened last night to the side and did her morning routine. She grabbed an apple and ate it, as she was walking back to her room, Minghao was coming out. The two stared at each other before Hua broke off the stare and walked passed the older boy.

When the girl made it back to her room, she felt like crying but she could risk her eyes being red and puffy today. Getting ready, she did minimal make-up and loose curls in her hair. Putting her outfit on, she made her way to the from of the building.

 Putting her outfit on, she made her way to the from of the building

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To her surprise, the 7 boys were already waiting there.

"Hey geges," she greeted them.

"Hey," they mumbled back.

It was noticeable awkward between them and the girl since of what happened last night. Hua hoped today would clarify why she did what she did.

Two cars finally came, Zhengting, Hua, Xinchun, and Zeren were in the first car. Wenjun, Quanzhe, Minghao, and Chengcheng were in the second car.  The whole ride was awkward.

Hua was getting nervous because if Mama Du rejects what she has to offer, she risks losing a connection.

Arriving at YueHua, the boys went inside first and Hua followed. They greeted all the staff and trainees that were present.


Hua heard her name being called. Turning around she found out that Suengyeon was the one who called her.

"Hello Ge," she greeted him and he pulled her into a hug.

"Back again I see?"  This causes Hua to chuckle.

"Yeah, I have unfinished business. I should go," Hua says bidding her goodbyes to Sueongyeon.

"Huang Yuanwei? Mrs. Du will see you first," the secretary told Hua.

"Hello Mama Du," Hua says greeting the CEO.

"Hello, have a seat." Hua does as she is told. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I have a proposal that I think will benefit both of us," Hua started with her newfound confidence.

"Really? Explain," Mama Du says getting intrigued at the younger girl's actions.

"At a business aspect, we could help each other out. Since 520 - 143 Academy is a dance academy, we will like to offer that the trainees of YueHua will be allowed to train there with all of my choreographers and instructors," Hua says surprising Mama Du. "I love the YueHua family with all my heart, but at this stage and age. I'm using my own label to debut under. I'm sorry."

"It is okay that you didn't pick Yuehua. You have to do what's best for you. On another note, I would be lying to say if I wasn't impressed. In par, you and your dance academy are the best both in China and Korea. And if I am hearing it right, you will train the incoming YueHua's trainees at your studio?"

"Yes, of course, we will have to find a reasonable sum of money but that can be discussed at a later date. But all the trainees with be taught in every style of dance. They will be treated as they were members of the Academy."

"But I have a condition, in addition to your choreographers and instructors, we will be adding ours to your setlist."

"Of course," Hua says smiling because she has a good feeling this deal will go through.

"If there isn't anything else, can I offer you something else?" Mama Du questioned Hua.

"Yes, what is it?" Hua smiled at Mama Du.

"I would like if you are willing to do collabs with YueHua's newest boy group."

"I wish I could, but there is so much I need to do. I may never have time," Hua explains.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," Mama Du says getting up and walking to the door, Hua follows her. "If you ever reconsider, YueHua will love to have you."

Opening the door, it reveals 7 boys.

"I hope we can work in the future," Hua says walking out in the middle of the waiting room.

"I do too, I will contact you about the proposal. I'm sure it will benefit both of us in the long run," Mama Du says.

"I hope it does. Thank you for the opportunity and I'm sorry I had to reject the contract," Hua says bowing.

"Always Huang Hua, it was a pleasure for you even to consider," Mama Du told her. "I'll see they seven of you now."

The 7 boys who were listening to the conversation got up and followed Mama Du to her office.

Hua made her way out of the building to have Sam waiting for her. Getting into the car, Hua texted Minghao.

[messages - minghao😭]

please forgive me,
i hope that you understand now.
i love you and always will|
i love you and always|
i love you|
i lo|

Hua was quietly crying the whole way back to the dorms.

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