“Sorry I ran into you Alex. Bye,” I said, giving him a wave before hurrying off to find Gav and Gage.

                “There he is!” Gav cheered, spotting me. He jumped up and down, waving his arms at me like an idiot.

                I stepped up to my friends and gave them an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I got a little sidetracked,” I said, my mind flashing to Alex’s blush when I said I would talk to him later.

                Gage grabbed my shirt and glared up at me. “I hate waiting. Now let’s go before we miss the buses. Don’t ever keep me waiting again Travis.” He released my shirt and spun around, storming out of the school.

                “He is such a happy person,” I said, rolling my eyes and following him outside with Gav.

                We got on the bus and off when it arrived at my house. We went inside and up to the living room, sitting on the couches.

                “So what did sidetrack you anyways?” Gav asked curiously as I set up Mario Kart for the Nintendo 64.

                “I accidentally ran into someone,” I said with a shrug, handing Gav a controller.

                Gav and Gage let it drop as we leaned back and began to play Mario Kart together. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Alex’s blush. I mean, what was up with that?

                “Dammit! I can’t stay straight on Rainbow Road!” Gav whined as his player went flying off the edge of the road, plunging down.

                His eyes widened a little and he slapped a hand over his mouth. “NO THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT! I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!” he cried, shaking his head wildly.

                “Sure you didn’t Gav,” Gage said and snickered at him.

                “Yea, yea! I didn’t!” Gav whined.

                “You guys are morons,” I said, rolling my eyes.

                “You mean Gav’s a moron,” Gage corrected.

                Gav pouted and wrapped his arms around me. “Nu-uh! Trav doesn’t think I’m a moron. HE FREAKING LOVES ME. I KNOW HE DOES. WE’RE ENGAGED.”

                I fought off a blush and rolled my eyes at Gav. “Oh baby. I thought we were keeping that a secret from Gage!” I said, frowning.

                “I can’t keep quiet about it anymore Trav. I want the whole world to know about our love!” Gav said, hugging me tighter.

                “Be gentle Gavin. I’m still sore from last night,” I said with a wink.

                “Sorry about that baby. You know I can’t help myself when I’m with you,” he said, winking at me.

                “I still find it hard to believe that Gav is the only straight one in this room,” Gage said, watching us with little interest.

                “I still find it hard to believe that Gage is only as tall as a second grader,” Gav said curiously.

                Gage launched off the couch and tackled Gav to the floor, pinning him there and glaring at him furiously. “Keep calling me short,” he snarled.

                “Short, short, short!” Gav sang cheerfully.

                Gage flipped Gav over and twisted his arm. “Take it back!” he snapped.

                “NEVER!” Gav cried, squirming to get away from Gage.

                “Oh brother. I need new friends,” I said with a sigh, getting up and yanking Gage off of Gavin. These guys were idiots.

                “You and me both Trav,” Gage grumbled as he sat back down.

                Gav sat next to me and gave me a goofy grin. “Yea, yea! New friends! I like making friends!” he said happily, completely missing the point of my statement.

                The day I met someone more oblivious than Gavin Drake was the day that hell froze over and pigs started flying.

                “So Trav, did anyone give you problems today?” Gage asked, folding his hands behind his head and glancing at me curiously.

                I shrugged and shook my head. “I guess only Collin.”

                “Ignore Collin. He’s just an asshole,” Gage said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. “Him and Josh.”

                A grin spread on Gage’s face. “Mmm, but not Alex. That shy little boy. I have a feeling I could help him break that shyness. One night with me is all it would take.” He winked at me and his grin got wider.

                That image of him blushing rose in my mind again and I frowned to myself. Jeez, poor guy must be extremely shy if talking to someone like me made him so nervous he blushed. I really didn’t think I was that bad of a person to talk to.

                Gage jumped up and made his way to the bathroom. Gav turned to me and smiled widely, basically bouncing.

                “I think Rose is going to go with me. I’ve been behaving myself and texting her non-stop. I’m going to officially ask her tomorrow. Damn, I like her so much Trav. I owe you big time for helping me get with her,” he said gratefully.

                Aw man. How could Gav be so impossibly oblivious to the fact that I liked him? I mean, I guess I was kind of grateful that he was but still…

                “That’s great Gav!” I said with a bright smile, patting him on the back.

                I had to stop being so damn selfish and just be happy for my best friend. The girl he really liked was going to go to the senior ball with him. I would be an asshole to not be ecstatic for him.

                “We need to find you someone to go with,” Gav said, looking thoughtful. “I mean, you and Gage could go as friends, but you know Gage. He’ll get himself a date. Hm…who could you go with…”

                I sighed and shook my head. “It’s not a big deal Gav. I’ll just go and hangout with random people throughout the night. I don’t need a date,” I said. Besides, no one wanted to go with me. No one liked me like that.

                “We are getting you a date and that’s that!” Gav said, determination in his voice.

                I rolled my eyes at him. “Well, good luck with that I guess. I really don’t mind going without a date Gav,” I said truthfully. Gav was the only one I wanted to go with, and he was obviously straight.

                Gage came back out and Gav let the subject of my apparent date drop. We began to play Mario Kart again and my thoughts wandered.

                There were about three weeks until the senior ball. I guess I could get a date by then, even if it was just a date with a friend or something. I knew for a fact that no one liked me as more than a friend, especially not Gav. 

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