096 | Type Of Yandere They Are? [Dean, Sam, Cas, Luci, and Jack] [Requested]

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• Overprotective Type

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• Overprotective Type

• Dean already shares a very close relationship with you; you start out as best friends and slowly but surely your relationship blossoms into a romantic partnership.

Is incapable of hurting you.

• He's blind to his overprotectiveness, because he believes that his action are just precautionary measures for your protection.

He loves to wrap his arms around you, because he believes that's the safest place for you to be.

There comes a point where he's no longer protective and becomes controlling.

• Keeps you by his side at all times using the excuse that he's only trying to protect you.

He can scare you at times, especially when he gets too watchful, but when he notices your discomfort, he immediately stops and apologizes.

He loves having you depend on him.

He's okay with just being by or with you, but if he feels that you are in danger by a third party, he crosses the border and can become possessive.

• Has a good side, where he just wants you to be happy, but also has a dark side where his happiness trumps yours.

Will kill, if absolutely necessary.


• Possessive Type

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• Possessive Type

Usually starts out as obsessive and bleeds into possessive over time.

You're very independent which initially attracts Sam towards you and provokes his possessive nature.

Loves the sound of your heartbeat.

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