001 | How You Met

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You met Dean through your mutual friend, Bobby, on a case in Burkittsville, Indiana. When Bobby originally called for your help, you thought it was going to be another easy hunt alone. Little did you know, the Winchester brothers were to be joining you. You had heard about them by their reputation of stopping the apocalypse and countless other things you didn't quite understand, but you had never thought you would actually get to meet them in person. You usually prefer to work alone, but this time you were glad for the boys' help. (Even if that meant having to deal with Dean constantly hitting on you and pretending not to like it.) None the less, they were certainly very helpful when it came to taking out a full nest of vampires. After everything was taken care off, you went your separate ways, but something told you, you would see them again.

"Here's my number if you ever need any help," you say, handing the older brother, Dean, a piece of paper with your name and number on it.

He gives you a small smirk, taking the paper happily. Without another word, you turn away, hoping he didn't see your small blush. As you come closer to your car, you can hear the faint voices of the bickering brother.

"I think I'm finally growing on her!"

"Yeah, in your dreams, Dean!"




You met Sam during your time at Stanford. You were a freshman and he was a sophomore. Being the kindhearted gentlemen that he is, he showed you around campus and offered to help you in any way he could. Throughout the next few months, you and Sam had grown closer and created a very trusting friendship. Soon, you started to develop a small crush on him, but you knew nothing would ever come of it. He was dating Jess by that time and you knew things were getting pretty serious between them. So, instead of telling him how you felt, you chose to suffer silently. Little did you know, that decision would mark the end of your close friendship. You started to drift apart from each other and by the time the news about Jess's untimely death started to spread around school, Sam was already gone.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," you say, shyly.

"Hello, Y/N! I'm Sam," he says, smiling, giving you a warm welcome. "Welcome to Stanford!"

You smile brightly in reply before following his direction to your first class.


You had fallen just like all the other angels of heaven. You were left scared and confused. You had no idea what you were to do or what you had done wrong to receive this kind of punishment. You had never been to earth nor had you ever experience the human world. Luckily, you were left by yourself for only a few days, before a once familiar face found you wondering on the side of the road. That's when you officially met the famous Castiel very angel seemed to spread rumors about. He had come to help you. Very glad to see another angle, you put your trust in him and allowed him to guide you to safety.


You turned around quickly at the sound of your name. Your fingers locked around your angel blade. Your body ready to attack if necessary. Only a few days on this planet taught you to trust no one, so when you heard your true name being spoken, your instincts were already on alert.

"Y/N. It's okay. It's me, Castiel."

You had heard the name before, but only in whispers.

"What do you want?"

"I want to help you."

If there are any more characters you would like to see, please let me know! :)

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