015 | Their Reaction When They Find Out You Had Died [Gifs] [Requested]

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You and Dean have been in plenty of sticky situation that you eventually manage to fight your way out off, but when a simple hunt goes south, no matter how much Dean fights, he can't bring you back...

"Dean," you cry out, your body trembling with pain and fear.

He comes running over to you, placing his hand on your wound, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. He looks down at you, his eyes riddled with worry and concern. You know from just one look that it's bad.

"Hey," you choke out, using the rest of your energy to lift your hand up to wipe his tears. "It's been a fun ride."

"Hey, Y/N! Stay— Stay with me," you heard Dean stutter out, pulling you closer to him. You wiggle in discomfort, as he tries once more to stop the bleed.

"Dean," you whisper, "It's okay." You use your other hand to stop him, bring it close your heart. "I love you, Dean," you say, kissing his fingers.

"Y/N, you're going to be fine," he says, his voice shaky. He gives you a reassuring smirk, but he knows deep now that you aren't going to make it.

You smile warmly up at him, slowly letting the darkness in your vision take over. With one last look, you take your final breath, closing your eyes forever.

"NO! Y/N!" Dean screams, pulling your cold body closer. "I— I love you too."


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Sam never wanted you to find out what type of life he leads. He wanted you to be the one good things in this life, so he never told you about the things that go bump in the night. Until one day, his worst nightmare comes to life.

Sam quietly pushes open the bedroom door and tiptoes across the room trying his best not to wake you up. The room is pitch black and silent, but knowing you were never a night owl he just assumed that you were fast asleep in bed. After changing out of his dirty clothes and into his pajamas, he slips into bed. He extends his arm with the intentions of pulling you into his chest but is surprised when he doesn't feel our presence next to him.

"Sam," your scared voices echoes, causing Sam's eyes to scan the room hoping to find you.

Barely being able to see anything, Sam turns over, turning on the lamp. He rolls back onto his back hoping to see you next to him, but what he sees next nearly kills him.

Your body is spread out awkwardly on the ceiling with a huge bloody gash across your stomach. You gasp for air, trying to say something, but before you could even get a word out, you feel a burning sensation spreading throughout your body. Within seconds, you feel excruciating pain run through your body making you scream in agony until you go completely numb.

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