12 ~ Something

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Tae P.O.V:

I feel so refreshed when I woke up.

💭 Did he have not fuck me? 💭

Immediately I removed the blanket and there is no proof of that we did. Maybe he was not at home or something else who knows! But I feel like this is morning, I should ask him again for a clock. Without clock, I can't do my schedules properly. Thank god today I can dance freely. There was pain still I have but bearable. Before bath I exercised in that tiny room it's so uncomfortable but what else I can do?! My exercise mean small stretching out moves it will keep my body with flexible for my career and healthy too.

After the bath, I wore my comfortable dress then ate my instant noodles. Then sat on the stairs with my book and waiting for him to open the door which has not happened for hours.

💭 Maybe it's night time? 💭

⏮ time skip @ 6 hours later ⏭

💭 Oh my gosh, I finished this book, which is could be taken at least 5 hours to finish, still, he has not arrived yet! Is he mad at me because of the last incident? 💭

Place that book in one of stairs and walks towards the door knocking lightly "JK, JK" I know he won't hear, but I keep knocking with a hope. The hope of my life will change when he opens the door and says 'I don't need you anymore, just get out. Don't come in front of me ever' but my heart wants to hear something else 'I am sorry for everything I did taehyung, Please forgive me'.

I shook my head fastly "No No No, taehyung. Don't think about anything, that won't even happen in your dreams. Don't get your hopes high"

"JK, JK" keep knocking on the door, this time I added a little force, the result my hands only getting redder.


"JK, JK" he knocks on the door lightly as he lost his energy already, it's just 30 minutes passed.

When I reached home, I did not go to him for sex like usual day behalf I went to my room and watching him from here through my hidden camera. In my life, the first time I felt guilty to face someone. I don't know why I feel guilty! Is that because of what I did to his hyung? Yes, he agreed with me.. Hmmm, I could say that he trusted me, my words!

5 days passed, I didn't go to meet him, I mean I didn't go near him for sex. That's why I locked him there right?! But why I didn't go there because I have a lot of work to do. Yes! That's what I am saying to myself. And here I am watching him on my biggest screen while getting ready for my next mission.

I took my costly watch and wear it on my left wrist, it's showing 11:42 pm. He thinks it's morning or whatever. He is eating an apple while reading one of his shit books in sitting on stairs. Whenever I'm watching him he just reading those damn books or sleeping. Eating less only, I dunno is that because of not enough food or not hungry. And the first and last time he knocked on the door is also that 30 minutes. He gives up on very easily that is irritating me for without any reasons.

⏮ time skip @ mission spot ⏭


"Is everything ready?" JK asked to suga and RM through the earphones.

"From my side, I cleared all" suga replied.

"I am gonna unlock their door and set 15 minutes to be ready, 3.. 2.. 1.. Set go" RM informed them with a cold tone.

"15 minutes too much for me" JK jumped into that dark area and starts to kill all people who are part of the mafia's world, keep going casually while shooting them like a piece of cake that whoever crossing or coming in front of him.

MAFIA x IDOL ~ 🐰💜🐯Where stories live. Discover now