The Wrap

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The conclusion-7/8

(Default reality. Jack is underwater. Unconscious. Sinking deeper. Another splash heard. Sounds of someone swimming towards him. Someone grabs him. )
(He is on the shore. He wakes up. Coughing water. It is late evening. The dark clouds slowly clear. Orange reddish hue. He sees a silhouette of a man bending over him.)

Jack- Sam?

(Jack and joe are in the default reality. Early dawn. In Jack's apartment as it was the night he was told about PGDH4. Joe is back to his former strapping build. He is wearing a half sleeve t shirt. His face still stuck at daze. He places the sauft voice record player on the study table)

Joe- are you sure this is what you want?

(Jack is standing outside in the balcony looking at the broken bottle of beer. He looks at the beautiful sunrise view from the balcony. He hears Joe's question.)

Jack-no...(He carefully walks in trying to not disturb anything that is falling down. He seems calm and reasoned)
I don't actually know.
(He looks around the apartment in serious thought but with a lighter air.)
As for what I have learnt, choices are only momentary. But impacts can be drastic. And at times- unpredictable. Because you don't stop making choices.
(He gives a pleasant smile)
But I can say that I do feel good about this one.

Joe-(he is blank. He stares at jack for a moment and slightly twitches a smile. )
.....that's all you need.
(He doesn't know what else he could have said. He is still speach less. He slightly feels defeated and bashful. He looks down)
why? Why did you do it?
( He looks up at jack, inferior. his heart is not strong as he thought it was)
why did you spare my life?

Jack- (a heartfelt smile. He let's out a breath. slightly shakes his head. He says softly)
the same reason why you did.
(Holding back tears)

(Joe is stupefied by what he just heard. His face shows pure wonder and another new emotion)

(back to the shore by the river under the bridge)

(Jack tries to get up on his elbows. He sees the face of the mysterious man. It is joe. Jack is surprised. Confused. He is taken aback. painful guilt and realisation.)

(Back to the apartment)

Jack-(nods. He feels broken.)
I'm sorry.
(He sniffs)
I was terribly wrong.
I wish....I wish I had taken a shot to understand the truth....
And understand.....well.....
(He looks up Joe with remorse )
you...... I-I...I never gave you a chance.

(Clip runs in the background with Jack's dialogue)

(In the sauft court. The sauft humanoids are dragging jack away in slow motion. Jack is screaming and crying. He is angry. He is helpless. His eyes are red with crick and gall. He struggles to break lose. If he got the chance he would run across the big hall to the throne and rip the other guy apart with his bare hands.)

( The other side of the hall. It is dark. Slow zoom in. The figure of a man on a throne. Slowly brighten enough to see the rough shadowed form. Focus in. Joe. The statue under the faded lights. His head is bent down, supported by his arm. Though his face is not seen, yet there is visible depression in his demeanor. A big man could not be seen more weak and upset. He sat still.)

(Shot of the floor. A drop falls on it)

(Back to the apartment)

Joe-(he pauses as he finds Jack's words hard to take in)
I never gave you a choice.
(He feels weak again, on the inside)

Jack- I thought you hated me. The void in me. The pain and darkness. I thought that was you.

(Back to the shore)

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