The Rise

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The conclusion-6/8

(it stops. everything. Cold waves envelope Joe as The flow of energy is cut off abruptly. His body stops glowing. He feels the sudden drop in spirits. Fire in a storm. The silent grey smog rises as tension. He is addled. He is irked by the disunion from his sweet dope. But what he feels greater is- concern. Joe feels the distress growing in him with each passing second. He realises that It is not a good feeling. He never has felt it before. You would be surprised too, to see such unsettling rush in the one who is so god-like. who is always supposed to be prepared. But, He for the first time is not able to postulate what is happening. That is what scared him the most. He is often shaken by anything that is not meant to be. The indiscipline. That is against the regulation. Far from the truth and clarity. And this; as he suspects- is inconceivable. An unholy mess. It is a screaming dark horse. Charging at him. He feels shiver runing down his spine. There is silence. He feels a cold breeze behind his neck. He is not ready. He doesn't want to. But He turns back.

Gusts of air slap his face. It almost drowns him. He is startled by what he sees. paralyzed. His face has turned faint. Bleached by the jolt. The wind Continues to crush against his frown. Yet he can't stop staring. His eyes are open wide. Reflecting a dazzling blue flare. It flickers like the jar that he felt.

His face is few inches away from Jack's.
Jack's eyes are flaming blue. His face shows no tinch of pain or fear. He just radiates with audacity. The erupting ferocity. It darts like fireworks. It is staggering presence. Glowing dust and wind swirls around them like a tornado. A miniature thunderstorm that sparked it's own lighting and rumbled with collisions of orbital air currents. The cloud of the churning smokes rained blue fire. The music of turbulence stung his ears. Joe is still unable wrap his head around what is happening. Is it real; What he saw? He was never tricked before. He never fell for illusions. He never had dreams or visions. Is this how it feels? He wonders. Is this his nightmare? He feels the cold dash or demur. No. It is not just what he saw. He felt. something else. obscurity. Noise. Screams. Croud. Dialation. Distortion. Vexation.
Blood drips from his mouth. He tries to move his frozen body to look behind him.
There he sees it- through his back, there is the spear with a blue glowing head. He coughs through the stroke and the strain)

Joe- how?

(Joe feels it. The hurt. The aching. The pang. He knew how they felt. He just truly feeels them now. It grew. Like fire. He closes his eyes as it soaked into his muscles. Slowly. But feels the need for an answer. He gazes into the two blue lamps. The are in a superposition state of stability and instability. He had so many questions. The anarchy is consuming him.)

Jack-(in a deeper voice)
You were blind. You were always blind. You stopped to see because you thought you saw everything. You believed that you had grown extensive enough to grasp all the knowledge. All that there ever was. And you did. But you didn't know that you were still growing. Changing. With that, rewriting your own aspects of the 'truth'. You chose not to acknowledge it even when you had the ability to grasp those parameters.

(Joe feels something new yet again. It is soreness. The stirring of agony in his heart. It aches. It is partly like anger. But this is more constrained. Like Putting a lid on his boiling pot. Helpless. He feels the same bounds as when he was caged inside Jack's body in default reality. But this is bizzare. More crushing. The more he tries to supress it. The more he noticed something happening. His eyes. They scorched. Even though they were constantly getting more wet. It limited his vision. Stretching and spinning the lights. His face also burns. His throat. He feels asinine. Why can't he render what was happening?)

(Jack smiles as he sees the condition that Joe is in)
Jack- You are not god. You are just a lost soul. stuck with only one obsolete set of laws. when the propositions are amending. And The world is reforming around you; you are just Sitting. extremely still. Calling it peace. Assuming that you are indestructible by ignoring your own movement. Your emotions. But you are just like a rock. roots of any living tree can cut through you in time. And you can't hold yourself together when that happens.

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