The Memories

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The beginning-4/6

(The street)

(Late evening. The lights: faded yet sharp. The world seems to washed of all the life and colours. dried to a dusty crisp. Like rotting corpse. It is dark and dull. But not completely dead. The Murky clouds swirl in the sky. Soft tense music along plays with the sound of Thunder rumbling faintly in the background. The people around seem to be consumed into their mechanical cycles being no different from the lifeless currents of wind. Jack is walking down the bloodless streets. He is wearing dingy formal pants and a shabby black shirt which is fluttering with to the strong breeze. He looks tired and worn out. Just like everything else. He takes Shakey steps. His legs feel weak. As if he were carrying a lot of weight. His face looks distressed. Maybe a little hurt. One couldn't tell that easily. You can only guess by the vibe of the scene. he is just pale and cold. And His face- blank. You might wonder what is running through his mind because whatever it is, it is no longer letting him enjoy the motion around him, which he usually loved. He is walking fast. Slightly breathing faster. He doesn't feel safe. The world around seems to be putting forth an evil smile, as if it enjoyed his plagued state.)

(Jack opens the door to his appartment. It is darker and colder. He switches the light on. But they seems too dim, failing to to show any spirit, or jack just saw the reflection of his own flare. The apartment looks Inert and stiff. Rudely Silent. Jack enters in, tired and riven. He undoes two of the buttons of his shirt, trying to catch a breath. He closes the door. he slowly drags himself to the wash basin. Slightly trembling, he washes his face. His pants, staring into the reflection of his tormented face in the mirror. He looks crushed. He might be breaking down, but you can't be sure if his tears are mixed with the water dripping down his face.)

A voice- (in the background)there is no sugar syrup?!.
(it seems surprised and Slightly annoyed)

(Jack turns to the dining table. there is a complete change in the vibe. The mood It is much lighter. You can notice a brisk Change of atmosphere yet with smooth and subtle transition, blending the yin with the yang. The setting reveals a pleasant evening whether. The sun has almost set, casting a colourful faded sky with a beautiful soft Red glow, visible from the the large windows by the balcony door .)

(Jack smiles as he looks at Sam in the dining area. He wipes his face and hands using the towel and keeps it back on the towel hanger. He walks to the table. sam is unloading packed food from a paper bag)

Jack-(taking a box of pasta)maybe Daniel just didn't want any his customers to have it with pasta.

Sam- so you mean he is willing to risk loosing a customer?

Jack- he wants you to loose the syrup. you maniac.

Sam-( somewhat surprised, squints.he sits down giving a confused look to jack)ok.what is is wrong with syrup enhanced pasta?

Jack-it is worse than pineapples on pizza.

(Sam is more clueless now. But He doesn't want to answer.)

Jack-Oh my god.

Sam- what?!(taking a fork full pasta pointing it at jack)
ok look. just because you guys are large in number, It doesn't mean you are right. Taste is an opinion. And everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Jack- so you mean when people think that the earth is flat, they might be right?

Sam- exactly. It also an opinion. If you think the earth is round it might as well be. But that is for you.

Jack-i can't believe that that's coming from a guy who is neck deep into science.

Sam- what does that tell you about it?(he is confident that jack couldn't possibly have anything to say to that)

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