The Enlightenment

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The action-5/5

(Rythmic harmony of the flowing water. A stunning site on one of the highest points of the mountain range. a rocky ridge looking over the dazzling landscape below of other mist covered peaks. The convenient platform is itself brimming with life. Healthy old trees curtaining the stage of bounders and grass. Bushes of bright berries and flowers that look like lights on a Christmas tree. Also a rigid naturally formed roof hedges like a cave over the extention. It looks like a balcony for the gods to drink tea as they watch the beautiful sunrise among the line of peaks and clouds. No place could be as beautiful as this. It is too perfect. To top it all off, a stream flowing down gracefully along wall behind, forms a small pool at one of the sides of the arena. The fog here is also too dense and flows like smokey milk all around the terrace.)

(A shot of frozen drop under a rock, unfreezing. The Drop falls on Jack's shoulder. Jack is meditating. Shirtless. Wearing a dhoti. Sitting extremely Still.)

(He is now drinking water from the stream.)

( He takes a dip in the beautiful pool.)

( He is eating the berries.)

( he is in front of the fire at night reading the old worn books of his brother. )

(He sits in his meditation spot again and closes his eyes .black out)

(Sound of a drop falling into water. Jack opens his eyes. He is in a white robe. He looks around. There is nothing but infinite white space as far as his eyes can see. except the floor- a surface of pure glassy water; entirely reflecting the fair astral plane. The void is strikingly bright and to some degree it might even look like it's glowing. Jack appears clean and fresh. Pure like a newborn baby. He looks down at his image on the surface. He too seems to possess the same gleam. He wonders how he is standing on water surface. But he doesn't seem as confused. Somehow this place doesn't seem too foreign to him. He feels connected to it in a strange level. He carefully takes another step. He walks forward curiously and anxiously.)

Arjun was right. could he really do it? after all, Sam was the reason he chose this path. But in order follow it he had to do what was most difficult for him. To connect with his brother in relm of absolute reality ,he first had to break all his ties with him that he had in this reality.

how could he do it? How did Sam manage to do it? He could forget everything else. His dreams , his desires, his comfort but he was not sure if he could do the same with Sam.

(Jack turns back. He sees a man standing at a distance facing the other side. He seems to recognise him.)

Jack-(softly) Sam?
(Running towards him. The place slowly starts to rumble. He is happy but also worried.)

(The man turns around, revealing his is Sam. He is wearing a similar robe. He stands there without any expression.)


(The place starts to rumble more. He runs to Sam and hugs him.)

(Jeff in the empty apartment of jack)

(he picks up a photo frame. Picture of young jack and Sam in identical cloths. Hugging each other. Jeff smiles. He looks up. )

(Jeff is in a trippy bright memory. Old house. Mom and dad happily clicking pics of jack and Sam. Front of the camera.The camera flashes. )

(Jack holding the camera. Sam teaching him how to use it. And then jack clicks a picture of Sam where he is not ready. )

(Jeff holding the same picture of sam, framed. He keeps it back on the table.)

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