The Confusion

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The planning-3/8


(A plump man in a shirt, comes running down from behind the stage through the curtains. His face shows a slight terror. He seems anxious. Looking at the tablet in his hand and the comm system in his ear, you would guess that he is the stage manager. Well he is. And he is definitely in a hurry. He looks around the small stream of vivid show people below, impatiently as the skips down the steps. Once he reaches down, he having no sight of whatever he was looking for, stops a young man by his shoulder and tells something to him in his ear. We cannot hear what it is due to the dominating noise from the stage. The young man nods and turns around to leave. The stage manager calls him by streaching his arm through the crowd to demand him to hurry. )

(The young man is Jeff. He is dressed as one of the assistant stage managers . sweatshirt and trackpants. Holding A bundle of sheets clipped to a pad. an earpeace with its mic bent down to his mouth. An intercom module hung by his waist. A baseball cap to top the look.)

Jeff( walking through the the corridor with a number of doors and posters on the side)- jack was slowly loosing the sense of reality, his life,What he wanted, everything.

(A fancy dressing room)

( Jack is sitting front of the mirror staring at himself. Leaning back on the cushy single couch. The soft orange light gleams at his face. music and noise playing faintly in the background. He swirls the glass of half filled with wisky in his hand as he looks deeper into his own eyes. He is wearing a fine looking suit. It is of a rich cobalt shade with exquisit black patterns that gives its glamorous and elegant ambience. But his face has a blank expression. As if he has a serious thought on his mind)

He was lost. He did not believe in the world he lived in. Nothing seemed to make sense. Nothing was important. Nothing was worth it. It was all just one big meaningless existance. Loud but unclear. He could have had what he wanted. but he failed. He messed up. He is not sure if can have it anymore. now he doesn't even know if he wants it anymore.

(Suddenly the door opens.)

Jeff- sir you are up.

(The music loudens. the cheer from crowd is heard translucently. Jack walks through the backstage corridors and starts to climb up the steps to the stage.)

Host-(energetic) now.....are you ready to welcome the man who made it happen.

(Croud chears)

Give it up for jack pears.

(Jack walks up to the stage. All The spotlightlights point him. the cheer of the crowd is now heard louder. Clearer. It is all overwhelming. He is surprised to see such love. At the same time he smoothly embraces it. But you could say that something is off about him. he sits down beside the host. )

Host- alright then. The man who brought to us a new favourite superhero. Wow. I mean Did you know that you would make it this big?

Jack- ah(he slightly laughs)...I mean. That was the whole point. I was working to give people something to connect to, something they could love, get inspired. To tell them that each of us are powerfull by ourselves and nothing is impossible. That's what I focused on soo... I couldn't think otherwise.

Host- clearly you didn't have to. I have watched it and I have to tell you-I was blown. The twist...the suspense, the..layers to the character, they couldn't have been delivered more perfectly. But as you have said, the message that is sent is what's empowering.
(he looks at the stack of notes he held in his hand)
so...According to you what makes Jack (he smiles)different from other superheroes.

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