The Reaction-2

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The planning-2/6

(A Busy Morning in the city. Normal. Jack is walking down the street. As soon as you lay eyes on him, you instantly notice that something is really off about him. He walks strange. His eyes are droopy and he looks wasted. He stands out from the picture. Like a sloppy pile of meat rolling through the urban terrain. An alien. In a completely real and ordinary world. A child. Lost. Intimidated by the vast spectacle before it. He stares at random objects and people, with utter puzzlement. Not because he is seeing them for the first time but because he can't truly understand what state they are in. And why they are behaving so unsimilar and erratic. He probably is confused with the world around him just as much as you are with him. For him it is all highly Wierd and unsettling. He feels disoriented. anxious at every slight sound he hears. He is paranoid. He feels as if he is being followed, watched. He feels trippy. His head hurts. He sees images. Haunting images. Memories. Or not. from of him. Voices. His touch. Surely they aren't re-real? Are they? No.of course n..ot. but...he is right here.... And...there. he is unable to speak. He can't ask- 'are you real?' that is only one of the things he wants to say to him. But he can't move his lips. To form words. He gasps for breath. Eyes wide open. gazing into the the air. All around him. He has felt these things before. Or vaguely similar to this. That's why he really doubts how sure he is about not taking some recently. Else, the only other reasonable explanation seems to be that all of this has to be a dream. No. He can't be so sure. But He doesn't know why. He doesn't know anything. He can't be sure of anything. it is just numb swarm of bees in his head. Chaos and anarchy)

( He is walking through the college corridor. It's getting worse. Lights spinning and clips blurring and randomising. out of his control. The gravity shifts around. He can't feel himself. His body. His thoughts. His consiousness. Everything rapidly dampens. Suspending towards strange nothingness with an invisible transition. How condescending it felt. A demon putting him to sleep. He falls down without his own notice. there is nothing in his head now. Blank. Maybe. judging by how He lays there with his eyes open. Lifeless. No expression on his face. Blurred clip of people running to get him.)

(He opens his eyes. He is lying on a bed. He starts to sit up. His movements are slow and tired. He tries to recall what just happened. He looks around not having seen this place before. The college health room. He presumes. As he remembers faintly that his last memory is of entering into the college. And the other beds, the white tiles, cabinets, storages, boxes, equipments and the wire connected to his wrist, stretching from the upturned pack of... glucose? That's what it's called. Anyway all of it was just enough to tell jack where he is. If by any chance he has a doubt, it is only dissolved when the nurse gives him a glass of water.)

Mrs Stacy- how are you feeling...jack?(she is deeply concerned)

Jack- (his face still shows uneasyness)not so good I guess. head's still spinning.

Mrs Stacy- jack(with utmost seriousness and care)I think you need help.

Jack- ah...c'mon mrs Stacy....that- (he fakes a smile as he sits up) I really didn't think that's necessary. (he knows she is right but he tries to show that he is fine, so that she doesn't have to worry for him) I mean..yeah..I have started to move on.

Mrs Stacy- (she understands what jack is trying to do but she really does cares about him.)it's alright.You should take a few days off. I know a doctor. I think it will help you.

Jack-i don't know..(he feels that no doctor can be any help to his condition)

Mrs Stacy-there is nothing to worry about. Any kind of help you need.
(She places her hand on his forearm.) You can always ask.
(she tries to fill him with confidence and strength. She wants to say that he is not alone.)

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