The Flash

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The conclusion-2/8

(sound of an alarm. Jack is in his apartment. He wakes up. He has a pleasant smile on his face. Everything is warm. He gets up and opens the curtains. Allowing the bright morning light in. He stares at the handsome view from the window. He lets the fresh grace help him start the day with the same sunny vibe. He closes his eyes and smiles as the warm rays kiss his face.)
( He brushes his teeth.)
(A shot of the bathroom door. Sound of Jack's carefree singing in the shower )
(He graciously prepares omlette. He pours hot steaming coffee into a mug. He sits down at the table. He is seems proud of the effort he put in to make the fine-looking morning meal. He has breakfast as he savours it's taste.)
( He brushes his hair in front of the mirror. He stares for a moment. He smiles at his own face. As if happy to see a smile in return, his smile still widens.)

(Jack walks on the street as everything seems to be brimming with life. He is pleased and calm. He enjoys motion around him. It is almost the same journey he makes everyday but he is happy. Really happy.)

(Jack is expressively narrating in front of the whole class. They are as always; sunken into the story. Then he confidently and contendedly finishes. With a smile. And takes compliments.)

(Bell rings. Everybody takes their bag to leave. So does jack. A guy stops him as he zips his bag.)

Brendan- hey jack.... Me and the guys are heading out for a ride. You wanna join?

Jack-(pauses.smiles) sure.

(They are outside. in the college parking lot. There are 4 bikes. The guy has 6 other friends. They put on their helmets. Two of them sit on each bike. A girl on the last bike offers a helmet. jack takes it with a flirtatious smile. She smiles back. He sits on the back and they ride off)

(They ride through the streets and stop at an abandoned part of the city. Beautiful place. Large half damaged, deaserted old buildings. Large walls. Make-shift Ramps built all around. They take spray cans and start doodling on the walls. Jack and the girl do the same wall. They have a great time. They play. They laugh. In the next clip- they stare, standing by the bike. Eating burger. They look at each other and and nod out of content. Then they smile. The wall is shown. It has similar pattern and texture as the intro but some new colours added to it. Making it more beautiful.)
( In the next clip. Jack is on the front of the bike and the girl is in the back. Jack jerks clumsily as he finds difficulty in starting the bike.)

Girl- I thought you said you know how to ride.

Jack- trust me. I have done this before. Once.

Girl- what?

(The speed off.they are riding through the country grasslands, beautiful valleys and twisted roads by the ghats. Jack leads the way. Rest of the bikes follow. A few clips of their gratifying journey.)

(They stand gaping by their bikes parked by the road in series)

Guy1-its beautiful.

(The scene in front of them is revealed as Jack's favourite spot, beautiful than ever)

Jack-yes it is.

(They are laughing and they enter into the fast food restaurant. And the door closes behind them.zoom out)

(Next clip. The are on the roof. Drinking beer. Everyone is amazed by the view.)

Guy2- hey. How come you never told us about this place?

(Jack doesn't answer)

Guy2-Jack? Hey(he looks at jack)

(Jack is crawled up. Crying miserably.)

(Sauft world)

(jack is in his suit. Torn and damaged. He is Wounded. Severely in several places. Crying helplessly. Though his body is not capable fro it, He cries for a long time. in small self build shelter made of the resources found in the sauft world. You would almost instantly notice that He is missing his right forearm. And also that the most of His right side is badly wounded. His right half of the face is burnt. What kind of pain must he be going through? How did he end up like this? He might be wondering the same thing.)
(Outside the shelter, everything is overwhelming and scary. Too big and noisy. It is wierd. And as always-hard to understand. he cries himself to sleep.)

(As the voice runs in the background, clips Jack's journey in the sauft world plays. He is walking. He is limping through wierd forest with strange sauft trees. He hears noises. he is scared, helpless, miserable, weak, hurt, tired.He is walking through the sauft grassland. He stares at The open sky. It is trippy and scary. It moves like an optical illusion. He crosses lakes, sea shores, desaerts and finally he stops. He bends down. Panting. He slowly stands. He stares ahead. With all seriousness and pain. Up ahead is a building. A big planned sophisticated urban structure. With numerous unidentifiable giant objects.)

I thought I knew what I wanted. I thought my life was a steady road and all I had to do was stay on it and move forward. But that road just blew itself up into million fucking branches. I didn't realise that they always existed. I just.... ignored them before, being too busy rolling on that lane road I had set on. now that That path was closed, I had to take my eyes off the streach. I looked around. I was just a point. On a limitless plane. And infinite number of lines can be drawn from a point. Before I could decide which one I should take. I was stuck. I was lost. Terrified. Alone. Hurt. I was suddenly unsure about everything. I didn't know what I was doing. What I wanted. I didn't know what I was. It was hard to collect the bits. Focus and see. To comprehend everything. To decide. Before I was completely destroyed by the weight of my own confusion and doubt, I chose a path. The one that had only one destination. meaning an truth. peace. The one that I thought I could find when I see my brother again. I then set off to do what I thought I couldn't have, I am right where I started. Stuck. But with a billion more roads to take. I am more lost than ever. More scared. More broken. And this time, it is beyond me. This time it is not the answer, it is the question itself that is complicated. And I doubt whether I can fix myself again.

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