The Passion

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The beginning-2/6

A voice: (rising from silence)
mr pears?

(Jack looks up, slightly startled. There is visible confusion on his face. Maybe because he is wondering about his presence in this flashy average sized room filled with nearly 20 other people of his age. All of whom are staring at him as if he were some peculiar alien who was just teleported before them, making it the second thing that he pondered about. Because it was almost what he felt like. A drop of ink into the clear water. The black blade of grass. He is clearly under the light right now which is loud and confusing for him, because he was not even in the same room, a second ago. He was lost in his woolgathering voyage. Adrift on the glittering waves of the dark boundless ocean. Unconsciously Sailing faster than the speed of light between colorful splashes in space and time. But now, He is sitting in a chair before a computer. in a classroom. His classroom. The cells in his brain come to a halt from their fluid motion. Trying to digest the icy tension. A hammer to his meditation. That's why his face looks like he just woke up from a good sleep. He has no idea what is happening.)

Jeff- (as the lecturer: pot belly, limited strands of mostly brown along with a little of silver hair on the head and a frameless pair of glasses on the slightly wrinkled face. His face is blank, rather unenthusiastic)
I was saying, you are up.

Jack- oh...yeah.
(He quickly comes to his senses. He tries to cover up his drift away, Acting like he was aware after all)

(All the eyes felt like Lasers marking their targets on his face before they opened fire. but he is good actor. He can pretend to have an armor of steel. Or at least that's what he thinks. He is vibrating just enough to not embarrass himself any more than he already is. Guess that's a hard enough grip for him right now. He gets up and walks to front of the class as the previous guy goes back to take his seat. Even if he wasn't chained back to reality just a few moments ago, he would still be equally nervous as he stood before his ordered peers. Because this is pretty important to him. But He Continues to give a clumsy try to hide it. He stops. Then he takes a deep breath. He collects up the last of his confidence to start with a smile. )

Jack-Ok guys.
(he gives another smile just because he needs it)
its here.
(Nodding, He tries to loosen up)
Another chapter of D'chronicles.

(Cheer by few students. He can feel it. That's all he needs. He lavishly absorbs the spirit. The energy begins to rise. )

Alright. Thanks. It's all your support. Really.
(The bad jokes he made didn't stop him. That's when you know that he is going all in)
I must say.... It's still pretty raw but I've thought a lot about it and I guess....this is it.
(A little association with emotion)
How it's all gonna go down.
So fingers crossed.
(He is lying. He is totally exited)

(He gives a pause to think.) where was I? Yeah....Jack and Zingol. Right? Its on. The final battle. It is Everything that he has lived for. The sole purpose of his life; the fight that could decide the fate of two worlds..... or even more. The need for him to win this is just as much as the pressure that he felt to give more than he can to offer. it is not gonna be easy.
They are both equally strong and equally weak.

(Jack continues to expressively narrate as the students listen closely, lost deep into the story, tickling with tension and curiosity)

Like anyone else in this world, even jack had a little spark of his own, which he hoped someday could become a spectacular light-show that would keep everyone enthralled.

(Subtle Change of scene. dark city ruins. Deserted and actively destroyed. A dramatic sci fi superhero battle.
An intimidating, 6 and a half foot tall muscular alien, in a classic bad-ass galactic armor. Zingol.
And an average built young man with a stealth suit and superhero mask. Jack. Looks just like jack.
Epic slow motion scenes, clips of the battle between the two. Blows after blows. Blasts after blasts. Both of them really have a lot that they are putting on the line.)

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