The Decode-2

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The planning-7/8

(Jack is riding the bike through the valleys.after some shots of the journey, he stands in front of a house. old. Covered with creepers and weeds. The colours have faded. The place has started to fall apart.he walks through the gate. He has a worried look on his face. The house magically looks new. Not new. But habitable. The grass is green. The plasters Haven't woren out as much due to rain. But something is still off. Dull. he walks through the door.the house is filled with people dressed in black. Jack walks past them. He can peak through the crowd.In the centre are two coffins placed.he stares at it for a while.he is rushed with painful memories. He remembers this day. What make it worse is that he remembers it perfectly. he walks upstairs. He goes upto a door. Slowly and slightly opens it. He peeps in to see that inside are 17 and 18 year old jack and Sam.jack is devasted. He sobs softly as Sam also controllably crying, is consoling him.)

Sam-jack.(he huggs jack tightly.)

(Jack doesn't hug him back.he continues to sob.sam lets go.)

Sam-I'll be downstairs.(you can see more concern than grief on his face)

(Sam gets up. He walks quickly to the door. Trying to conceal his tears.preasent jack hides, making way for Sam. He stares as Sam stops at the stairs. He wipes his tears. Present jack walks unconsciously forward towards Sam and tries to call him by the shoulder. Sam looks around trying to stop crying. Jack glares into his eyes as he is pumped by tenderness.)

Present jack-(softly and compassionately) sam!

(Sam looks through him. In the background, a silhouette of a man sneaks into Jack's room.jack looks around as he hears a slight squeaking sound of the floor. He turns back to Sam walking down the stairs with a heavy heart. The door to room closes Behind jack.)

(The apartment)

Jack-(slowly walks to the couch and sits beside jeff)
I would have been broken if it weren't for him. He looked after me for them. Probably better than them. He never wanted me to complain or experience pain.but....(he smiles and sniffs)

( He walks to the storage and pulls out a cardboard box. He sits back on the couch. opens it. Takes out a video camera. Switches it on and plays it.)

(A low budget version of meteor crash clip starts to plays)

(Holding it, jack smiles screening his sorrow.)

Sam- not like how we remember it huh?

(A hand on Jack's shoulder, zoom out. It's Sam. The apartment is new. Boxes and objects everywhere)

Jack- yeah.
(smiles pleasantly)
This one is better.

( Sam's face, pleasantly smiling.
Fades into narrator face concerned,touched,stung. He has his Hand on Jack's shoulder consoling him. Who seems dead inside.)

Jeff-look... You are lucky. You have....a second chance. Not everyone is given have a choice.

Jack- but
(wiping his tears.)
we don't actually know that. Do we? All of this.... could mean nothing .we could just be wasting our time instead of moving on.

(Jeff walks in front of jack)

Jeff- don't. Don't do this to yourself. Not anymore.
(Jeff sits beside jack on the couch)
I know that you are scared. Scared to be given hope. But... what's the worst that could happen?

Jack- I could be scarred for life.

Jeff- (nods a little with his eyebrows raised. Slowly smiles as he softly and confidently speaks like a man who has it figured out. )
how do you plan to live a life if you can't stop thinking about him every day. The dreams. They won't stop. It is no different than a painful reminder that you were just too scared. Do you really think that you could be more hurt than you already are?

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