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The conclusion-1/8

(Opening eyelids. Wounded jack in suit from before. Looks around. The air feels bare. he can't actually feel it. probably there is no air. what he feels, can't be expressed. It is a feeling beyond the 5 senses. He cant see anything. But he feels his existence in something. This wierd enclosure which doesnt seem to have any walls. The world around is..... trippy. It seems unreal. Is he still dreaming. No. This is something else. This is more than real. He feels what he touches only in his head. But He has no head. Where is he? What is he? The most wierd part is that he knows. He has all the answers he needs. To all these questions and to the questions he never thought existed. But that only further confuses him. He manages to grasp an idea of the greatest level of complexity there is yet he feels it is less. He is trying to know What he knows. He is able to scale the quantum particles with the stars and galaxies like we compare the sizes of fruits. He could turn the pages of time to view the stories written. dimensions. He could see and navigate through countless of them. Manipulate and measure it like how we do at the most basic scope. There are no things as he sees them. There are simply existences. He discovers an entirely new system of the largest infinity within the limits of zero. Everything in nothing. Where you can tug the ends of a loop. Die after you have lived on  forever. Maybe by killing yourself without really dying. Where the only secrets kept from you are those which you keep from yourself. where the only truth that is told to you is that there is no truth. In This place, there is no concept of ideas or abstractions except that there are no conceptions. The mare existence of such a place is built on its own nihility. No coordinate system can be used to define its locus. Not only because It is not a point in space or  time, but; because it doesn't actually exist while also existing everywhere throught the stretch of time. It is omnipresent. It is a paradoxical rule that governs all and everything. It is the invisible stack of bricks that are used build everything. It is a mine of uncertainty and stability that no rule or science can answer. Because there are no questions. Jack's mind swells boundlessly yet in an infinite hole. It is not about what he knows. It is what he feels. He feels. Yes. But what? He doesn't know. But he knows everything. He knows that he knows everything. He even knows about what He doesnt know. Things don't add up. But they fit perfectly to make sense. He looks for the missing piece of a completed puzzle. He falls into the sky. he is certain about everything. but he doubts if it is true. Moments don't pass but he waits for the answers. He wants to know where he is. But he already knows it. He looks round. He doesn't see. But feels sight. A world. unimaginable. But he sees it his mind. he can't even picture it as he looks at it. It looks beautiful. Themed purple and a little blue. An infinite universe of which he could see the boundaries. The sky had many suns at night. Floating lands. Forests of galaxies. Oceans of light. Strange Creatures that never exist. Mountains of dreams. winds of time. The stars were at the reach of his hands. There was no word that he could choose to describe it. All of it just seemed: sci-fi.alien.unreal.flakey.trippy.
Sauft! He thought. If not nearly accurate. )

(This is not the first time jack had felt these conditions. It is just an unusual recollection each time. Not a very good one.)
(Jack tried to move. But tied. On a sauft horse. Taken by sauft humanoids. They looked so technologically advanced like something from the superior civilization of farthest future and yet like the crafts- so basic and nascent like that from an ancient culture. They carried weapons that looked like futuristic replicas of the primitive tools. Jack tries to break lose. They point sauft guns at him. Jack signals  them that he will behave. They are taking him up a huge sauft mountain. )

(They walk towards a huge sauft fort. It is bigger than anything he had seen  before. Probably even bigger than the same fort as he saw it the last time. It has more of the sauft humanoids as guards. posted everywhere and all over. Jack's escort takes him in. And to the main court. it is just a really large hall. He has assumed that it was large judging by the height of the ceiling and how his screams echoed throught the space. He has only assumed because he couldn't see enough to be sure. In Fact he can see nothing. The room is essentially dark. Utterly and exceptionally dark in all directions except for the one spot in the middle. Middle; as he imagined it. the only light is from the sky, falling on jack like a soft edged limelight. It is big enough to shine upon more than 70 of those humanoids if placed very close to each other. But there were Only 5 of them with jack. They lift him off the sauft horse and throw him down on the floor. Jack was already in pain. He grunts as his body makes the impact with the ground that doesn't exist. His muscles have been through a lot. After a moment that takes to recover from the pain, he wriggles. He has trouble getting up as his hands are tied behind his back. Tears already start to gather in his eyes as he is hit with the memories of this place. He starts weeping silently. The guards hold him by his arms and pull him up to place him on his knees. )

A Voice- (masculine and godly. Slightly echoing.)
why do you swindle with my tolerance?

and why can't you just give me the one simple thing I ask?

The voice- I gave you all that anyone could ever ask for. You had it all. jack. You ruined it yourself. I gave you the best life .

Jack-(crying and screaming)
I don't want a life of fake pleasure and success.
(slightly softer)
all I wanted was to see my brother.

The voice-(now a bit angry)
you had your brother.

Jack- no illusions of him can replace the real Sam.

The voice-(angry. Gusts of wind blowing at jack. The place trembles.)
there is no real sam. he is not your "brother". Relationships, family, friends- they are all nothing but a pipe dream, a fantasy, A lie. I have told you this in every way possible. You are just building over your still elemental convictions. It is time you let go. They mean nothing but vulnerability. And I assure that he wants nothing to do with you as well. Why can't you just understand such a simple basis?

Jack-(helplessly crying)
because I love him..unlike unfeeling fuck.

(The sauft soldiers back him down.)

The voice-(now calmer)
love? You simple minded prick. How much more can you embarrass me. you are right. I have no love for anyone. Because there is no love. Or hate. When will your callow mind come to realise that all these bonds that you speak of just exist in the square fabrication where the lambs exist. You are too weak belong here . You are worse than them.

Jack- you are the ones who are really the monsters. How do you manage to live being such heartless douche.

The voice- neither am I living nor do I have a heart. you will never recognise the glorious feeling of having broken all chains that make us weak.And I can never make you understand that. Hence my only pain is you. I have no reason to show you pity anymore. You are just a disease. That I thought I could cure.
(jack being pulled backwards by the sauft soldiers as he shouts and struggles)
but I guess I can never make you worth existing.

you don't deserve all of this. You are not in line for the power. You are just a demon.
(He spits out of pain and rage)
I will tear you apart motherfucker.

(Completely dragged into darkness)

(Jack is out in the sauft world. being beaten up by the humanoids.they hold him. They punch him. In the face. In the stomach. He is soon unable to stand. He falls to the ground. his face swollen and dripping in blood. He is curled up into a ball trying to protect himself from the hits. The humanoids continue to kick him. he is crying and screaming.)

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