The Rishi

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The conclusion-3/8

(jack is climbing up a sauft hill-  differently themed and resembling the one he has climbed with Arjun. He is crawling up with great difficulty. He is in a lot of pain. The kind of pain that can't be explained. But strongly felt. He reaches a similar spot where he meditated. He walks to the spot. He looks around searching something, troubled )

Jack-(voice cracking, softly)
where...are you?

(He stumbles but he gets hold of himself.)

Jack- (Crying and shaking his head.) please...

(He falls on his knees by the stream. It is trippy.)

Jack-You lied.
(he looks up. Trying to get up)
you told me...that I could be at peace.

(Camara faces to the higher edge of the slope. A silhouette of a sam man sitting.he slowly stands up. He stares , at jack fallen on the lower surface. He floats up. The rocks below him rumble. The cliff lowers down along with him as he gracefully descends.)

(Now both the planes are aligned. It reveals a magnificent sauft lake behind the man. It was decorated with rocks, water plants and trees. All in perfect arrangement to feast the eyes. The man lands on the ground. He is skinny. But not too skinny. Middle aged. He has long white hair tied up in a bun. His long bushy beard isnt neatly maintained and yet he looks rich with poise. His forehead is plastered with the sacred ashes like most of his body. He also has a prominent streak of vermilion up his forehead. He has no piece of cloth on him other than the one wrapped as his underwear. He has grace in his motion. He elegantly walks towards jack- Who is trying to standing up. Astonished, the man inspects jack with his eyes. And for some reason  seems be more Shocked.)


(He streaches his hand forward to touch Jack's face. Jack grabs his hand and holds it with both of this hands.)

Jack- you need to help me. I was wrong.
Wrong about everything. Please...(breaking down)

Rishi-(releses his hand. Confounded)
how....are you here?

Jack- (addled)
I don't-

(Sage reaches for the side of Jack's forehead. He closes his eyes. Jack closes his eyes. For a short pause. Rishi opens his eyes wide)

Rishi- no! How?!
(shakes his head out of disbeleif. )
You....lived? How did he he let you-

what...are trying to tell me?

Rishi-(holds Jack's shoulders)
you...what...what do you feel right now?

Jack-(he shakes his head flustered, crying)
I want all of this to go away
(he screams and falls down to his knees. Bending his head. He bangs the floor. It quakes)

does it....hurt?

(Jack slowly looks up at the sage. Perplexed. Disabled)

Rishi-(observing out of amazement and interest)
the wounds. They are not physical.

Jack-(still arched)
they are killing me.

(Sage stares for some time. He helps jack up and takes him aside)

(Jack is inside a sauft room. It is Old fashioned. Made of wood. Lit by lamps. Looks like a small cottage. Not much accessories and decor. It is simple but sufficient. Jack sits on a bed still recovering from the trauma. Rishi continues to stare at him out of skepticism)

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