A deep frown settled onto Gav’s face. “You thought I was going to judge you just because you’re gay?” Gav asked, looking honestly offended. “I would never judge you Trav. You’re my best friend. Why would you even worry about that? I accept you no matter what.”

                Gage shoved me so that I crashed into Gav. Gav wrapped his arms around me, both to catch me and just to hug me. I hugged him back and sighed, feeling guilty.

                “I’m sorry Gav. I was worried you would be afraid to keep our close friendship,” I admitted.

                Gav released me and glared at me. “You nuthook asshole. Of course I’m not afraid! I’ve shared a bed with Gage before, after all. He’s much more likely to do…things…to me than you are.”

                Oh how wrong you were Gav.

                The bell rang and we all sighed and went to class, dismissing the topic of my sexuality. It was accepted, and that was that.

                And boy was Gage right. Half the school knew by lunch time. A few kids had overheard us in the morning, and now it was spreading like wildfire. I had gotten some stares and whispers, but no one had made fun of me so far. Probably because they all knew how tough little Gage was.

                “Gym time, gym time, gym time!” Gav cried happily as we walked towards the locker room together.

                I was beyond grateful that Gav was acting like things were normal. And I guess, in a sense, things were normal. Big deal; I liked guys. I was still the same Trav I had been before I had admitted my sexuality this morning.

                We went into the locker room and changed before going the gym, meeting up with Gage. We went up to the track and began to walk around.


                I turned to Rose curiously as she jogged to catch up to us. She stopped in front of me and frowned.

                “Is it true?” she asked.

                I sighed and nodded. “I’m gay,” I confirmed, not even needing to ask her what she was talking about.

                “Aw! Well that’s a shame. You’re such a handsome guy, and you have a great personality. Any girl would’ve been lucky to have you. I guess now it’s any guy that would be lucky to have you,” she said with a small, encouraging smile.  

                “Thanks Rose,” I said, returning the smile.

                “Great. Now there are two faggots.”

                I gulped and turned to face Collin and Josh. Alex was standing behind Collin, staring at his feet. He was twirling a lock of blond hair around his finger shyly.

                “Yep,” Gage said casually, folding his hands behind his head. “Two faggots and three assholes.”

                Alex winced at that, as if it had physically hurt him. He dropped his head a little and continued to twirl his hair around his finger.

                “Shut up Gage. No one likes you. And Travis…hell, I always knew you were gay,” Collin said. Josh snickered and nodded.

                Collin smirked at me dangerously. “I should kick your ass faggot. Homosexuals like you are disgusting and wrong.”

                Gav stepped in front of me protectively. His gaze locked on Alex and he sighed and shook his head sadly.

                “Alex, I know you don’t agree with what your brother is saying,” Gav said sympathetically.

                Alex looked up in shock. He nervously glanced from Gav to Collin, slowly releasing the lock of hair he had been twisting. His hand fell to his side and he dropped his gaze back to the ground.

                Collin put an arm around Alex’s shoulders and glared at Gavin. “Leave my brother alone. Don’t talk to Alex,” he snarled. “Alex knows that homosexuals are freaks of nature. He knows they’re wrong.”

                “Homophobia means an irrational fear of homosexuals. You’re not afraid of us, you’re just an asshole,” Gage pointed out. “How would you like it if we beat up Josh and Alex for being straight?”

                “Touch them and die,” Collin hissed, stepping in front of Alex and clenching his fists tightly.

                “Well, if you touch Trav or Gage, then you’ll die,” Gav said, raising an eyebrow and shrugging calmly. “You big poop head.”

                “Look, just leave us alone. We don’t want any trouble. We just want to be ourselves,” I said quietly.

                Alex was watching me, that blush back on his face. He chewed on his lip and began to twirl that lock of hair around his finger again.

                “Whatever faggot. Let’s go Alex,” Collin growled, grabbing Alex’s wrist and dragging the younger boy away from us. Josh followed them after glaring at us in disgust.

                “Fuck. Alex is so hot,” Gage groaned. “Come on Trav, you have to admit that you would fuck him.”

                I rolled my eyes and shook my head at Gage. “You’re disgusting.”

                I glanced at Gav out of the corner of my eye. To my disappointment, he was eyeing Rose. Alex might be attractive, but Gav was the one I wanted to be with. His looks, his personality…everything about him.

                “He’s straight. Move on Trav,” Gage mumbled in my ear.

                We began to walk around the track again. Gav and Rose we’re talking, and Gage was texting, so I was left to my own thoughts. Maybe….Maybe Gage was right. I mean, Gav was straight, and that wasn’t going to change. Maybe I had to stop chasing false dreams.

                Maybe I had to move on and find someone else. 

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