Chapter 43 - Astrid

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I couldn't believe my eyes as the revolting Magnus the Morbid stumbles backwards.

He thrashes his arms all around trying to grab the small, frail figure strangling his neck.

"GET AWAY! GO!", Heather shouts at us. Tears are in her eyes. A small ray of who she used to be, glistened into my soul.

"You heard her! Come on!", my husband grabs my hand.

Did she just save us?

Why in Thor's name would she do it now?

Although, I found myself going to her rescue earlier before my mind could catch up with my feet.

Aside from all the grudges and brokenness that have been caused by this enemy, deep down I knew I couldn't resist helping my old friend...

"Astrid! We have to disable the shots going into the Hidden World or else..."

Another powerful blast along with a blinding flash of light cuts off Hiccup's sentence.

"Oh Thor. He's gotten stronger", he says in disbelief.

"We need to stop this or any future hope of dragons returning will cease to exist", I say.

He nods and he and I part ways to go tell our people what to do.

If we can disarm and sink their ships, there's no way they can infiltrate the Hidden World, then Toothless won't have to be seen or him see us.

I run for my axe that was left on the ship before and pull it, taking a mass of broken wood with me.

With one swift cartwheel and swing, I knock out a line of Rebellion men.

I stop for a minute and crack my knuckles, "Ah, feels good to be back"

"AHHHHHH", I scream my best battle cry as I continue on down my path.

I look over towards the ships on the south side and I see the twins going absolutely berserk, knocking men out left and right.

Eret is handling it like always, Snotlout is right on his tail trying to defeat more Fractious than him.

Suddenly another shot from the Berserker ships launches into a catapult ship and it begins to sink in a ball of flames.

"YEAH!", I cheer with my axe in the air.

"THREE MORE!", Hiccup is making his way back over to the Berkian ship I was standing on.

"COMING IN HOT, BLOWING OUT SNOT!", Snotlout runs over with a flaming arrow and shoots it towards a Fractious ship's sail, catching it on fire.

"NICE ONE!", Fishlegs calls to him while using his sword to cut a rope on the same ship, which opened up another sail and that caught the same flame.

Multiple men leap into the pitch black, choppy water below to escape the enflamed mass of wood.

"Astrid! Want to go doubles on the next catapult?", Dagur runs over with his sword.

"You're on!", I say grabbing my axe and running to jump over two ships and wreckage to jump aboard the Fractious and Rebellion ship.

We jump on the main deck and two scrawny men are guarding it.

"Awe. How cute. First time in a raid?", Dagur asks them.

They both nod their heads.

"Let's give you the full... EXPERIENCE!", I laugh hitting one of them in the stomach with the bottom of my axe handle.

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