Chapter 42 - Hiccup

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The fog covered everything in the near distance. It wrapped me in an uncomfortable feeling that ran all throughout my body. Drenching me in the salty air that was oh, so bitter.

Familiarity comes to my senses as the sounds of the great waterfall grow louder and louder.

Astrid standing bravely by my side, my heart is pounding for what comes next.

"Fractious ships spotted", Fishlegs whispers.

I nod and walk over to the ballista that we had aboard the ship.

"Whenever you give the word Chief", Fishlegs says ready on the trigger.

I hold a hand up to pause for just a moment.

For when I give the word, all hell is going to break loose.

I glance at my wife, she nods with reverence to go forward with my word. I don't do anything without her "okay" first.

I inhale deeply. Bracing for the impact that will hit us any second now.

I throw my hand down and right on cue, the first set of arrows begin to fly.

I watch three flaming points lodge themselves into the Fractious ship.

The ship erupts with shouts of rage and pure shock.

"ATTACK!", I scream so all of my ships can hear me.

Berkian battle cries can be heard all around me. The sound waves that they produce sends chills down my spine; all around me I can feel the spirit of the Hooligan tribe strengthening my inner being. The dragons will not see one ray of harm as long as we have something to do with it.

"Let's go", Astrid throws me my dragon blade.

Our ship flies forward as it catches the winds of the falls.

Astrid and I jump aboard the Fractious ship just before ours collides with theirs.

"WHAT IS THIS?!", I hear an enraged Heather from the bow.

"A raid!", my bride smarts off to her.

Heather takes a swipe at her with her double-sided axe.

Astrid swiftly dodges and swings hers from the side.

Heather falls to the splintery deck as Astrid proudly throws her axe over her shoulder.

"All yours babe", she smiles.

"Heather?! Why are you doing this?", I ask her as she stands to her feet weakly.

"I'm here for my dragon. And to restore everything you destroyed", she glares into my eyes.

"Don't you get it?! All of this around you is your fault! This disturbance and lack of peace is your own doing! You are the reason Windshear shouldn't return!", I shout.

Heather's eyes dart to my upper-left quickly, then back to me.

I hear a creaking from behind my head.

Heather smirks.

My instinct kicks in and I turn towards Astrid who was fighting off men 5 feet away from me.

"Astrid look out!", I scream and lunge towards her.

Pushing her out of the way just as Magnus drops in with his mace, smashing into the old wood.

Heather and Magnus approach us from our spots on the ground.

"You see, you may have surprised us here at the Hidden World, but... you merely just sped along the process", Magnus says.

Until They Can Return in Peace - How to Train Your DragonWhere stories live. Discover now