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Sorry another author's note before a chapter but I want to make it so that you will see the plot line better. In the story lets pretend as if, Karruche never came into the picture. Also that Christopher didn't go to jail. So I don't want anyone getting confused. Also this story is set in present time so here it is.. the chapter everyone's been waiting for. With no further due,

12:22- June 15th, 2014, Tappahanok, Virginia

At the moment, I'm so tired but I need to get going. Today I'm supposed to be going to the box office in Norfolk to see if the tickets have been picked up for my exclusive in two days. I've been doing these small concerts, for a small time now just leading up to my sixth studio album release 'X'. It's called X because this is my tenth year in the industry. A fucking decade already, wow. Can't be leave I'm already twenty-five. I came some ways.

"Chris, have you spoken to Elouise since you've been in Virginia?" My mom asked coming into the kitchen where I was eating a piece of fried chicken at. My mom can throw down!

"Nah, but I'm gonna go speak to her mom across the street..Make my rounds and head to the box office you wanna come ma?" I asked her washing my hands and wiping my mouth before grabbing my keys.

"Yeah, Let me grab my purse. Let's take my car."

Last time I spoke to Mommy had to be last week. Though, me and Lou Lou aren't together I kept a relationship with her mom. Real strong. This is the woman I plan to marry, whether she realizes it or not..she's been my wife since I first laid eyes on her. I need her mom in my corner, because her fuck nigga of a dad is non-existent. How could you pass up a chance to raise two beautiful girls? I don't fucking get that.

"Hey Chris, what brings you and Joyce over? Come on in!" Mommy said opening the door for us to walk in.

We ended up sitting in the dining room together, me in the middle of both my moms. Mommy smiled at me, and stroked my cheek.

"Elouise was just here, you just missed her! She said she had some place to go pick something up at four." Mommy said, a bit happy.

"Really? Dammit I should've came over faster!"

Both my moms hit me upside my head and looked at me like I lost my damn mind. Maybe I shouldn't have said it exactly like that.

"When's the last time you spoke to my daughter?"

I gulped, because after the night two years ago..we haven't spoken. And I kind've got caught up with Rihanna again. Then I let her go. I tried talking to Elouise, but she's defiant and belligerent, plus she's stubborn. It's not easy trying to talk to her.

"Mommy, you want me to be honest with you at all times? Correct?"

She looked at me like I had two heads again and I smiled.

"Okay, the last time i spoke to her was two years ago.." I shrugged

"Why so long ago? You both need to stop these childish games it's aggravating me. Both of you are so deep in love with eachother it's almost like you hate eachother. Stop this dumb shit! I don't want her with anyone else except for you Christopher. You gotta go get her back."

I sighed in return and ma comforted me. It's not as easy as everyone makes it seem.

"Mommy, we did some horrible things..Two years ago." Takes allot for someone to upright admit all the things that have been in the dark. It's my time right now, I have to get all these things off my chest.

"Explain Chris.." Mommy stroked my back and I looked into her eyes in shame.

"Two years ago Elouise and I ran into eachother at my album party. She almost became a victim of a car accident, classic pedestrian walking across the street but I swooped in right enough time. The night I saved her life, and she sorta saved mine. She was so vulnerable. I refused repetitively to take advantage of her while she wanted to thank me in ways that were hard to resist. I'm a man, don't blame me for it I tried so hard! But when the one person you desire, throws themselves at's hard to contain control. First she ended up giving me oral on the way back to my house in New York. I tried to get her to stop. Then when I was taking her back to where she came from, we ended up letting our emotions get the best of us. I embraced her while she cried heavily for a good half hour felt like. I had the most self control even when I realized she was here with me and I hadn't seen her in five years. I was in my home angry at myself for not taking the chance to explain my thoughts, when she came back to my house. That's when my self control slipped from under me. And we had some really filthy angry sex. Even after we were done, I told her we'd never do that again. She insisted we probably would. I dropped her back to Evan's and that's the last time I saw her. She wouldn't return my phone calls after that." All this I've been holding in is finally being released as both moms listened to me vent.

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