
496 25 9

11:00- March 13th, 2004 Tappahanok, Virginia


I sat in my room brushing my hair dry, humming along to the song playing on my walk-man. I just got out the shower man was it refreshing! Even though it's eleven o'clock at night, I needed that shower after helping my mom today at the animal shelter. Throwing my hair to my back, I thought about the twinkies I had stashed underneath my bed,"Late night munchies!" I sang, grabbing the box taking six twinkies out.'I'm so fat!' I thought to myself. A knock came on my window and I nearly crapped my pants, then I saw it was only Christopher. I opened my window seal getting a small breeze making me shiver. My pours are stil open and I'm only wearing some boxers, and a tank top.

"Hey, how're you?" Christopher asked stepping into my room, taking off his light jacket. He sat down on my bed and kicked off his shoes smiling up at me.

"I'm alright, just got out the shower as you can see." I said, joining him on my bed. We sat there and talked for a few minutes until he told me he had something important to tell me.

"I've gotta move out to California. The record label told me that me and my mom's have to move out there because its where one of my record deal offices are." Christopher spoke, barely above a whisper, looking down at is hands, fumbling with them.

I took in all he was saying, "Wait, what?! You mean you have to move?!" I replied shocked sadness in my voice. He took his hands in mines and stroked them softly.

"I was planning on not going, you know I don't wanna leave you here. But ain't no way mom would let you come with me.."

He looked into my eyes, and frowned. And I felt tears forming in my eyes. Silently, they fell one by one until they fell two and three at a time. Then I couldn't even find my voice. Christopher would give up a once in a life time chance to be with me? That made me feel so special inside. But there's no way I'd let him do that. Even though I'd do the same for him. He wiped my tears with both of his thumbs,

"Please don't cry, it's making it harder for me." He spoke in a shaky voice, I looked up and noticed that he had a tear-barrier in his eyes too.

"I hope you know that you're going to take this chance. Even if it means leaving me. We will find a way okay? How long did you know?"

"Just found out today, that's why I wasn't paging you today, and I really needed to see you...I'm leaving tomorrow at one."

So they're just gonna up and take him away from everyone that fast? Not even giving us a real chance to prepare or say goodbye, such warm hearted people!

"That means I only have tonight left here with you, for god knows how long!" I sobbed, crashing onto his chest as he hugged me tightly.

"I'll promise not to fall for a California girl, and I promise we will make us work..You have to trust me okay Elouise?" He whispered stroking my wet hair.

"I trust you.."

Then he lifted me up from his chest, kissing my forehead, cheeks, then finally, my lips. This kiss was a little different than it was normally..It was a kiss that felt like we'd never see eachother again. With every twirl of our lips the heat from our bodies increased, he held me gently but firmly, he laid me down, and lunged on top of me. We continued kissing, and his hands trailed up and down my torso. I held his face tighter wrapping my legs around him. He stroked my hair, and I started to rub his chest through his shirt. Then, he began to play with the hem of my shirt, and let up for breath. He looked into my eyes like he was searching for something, and then I realized what it was. I nodded, and he took off his shirt still kissing me, he bit my lip and I gasped, feeling his tongue explore my mouth. Since the first time he kissed me like this, we've done a little practice for me to learn how to do it. Now, I'm pretty good at it. My tongue dove into his mouth releasing the hot air within me, as I ran my hands down his back. Even though he took his shirt off, I still haven't seen what he's working with. He pulled away finally and my eyes scrutinized his body, to only be almost fifteen he as a pretty nice body, a little faint six pack coming in..and he's so skinny I loved it.

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