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5:30- December 17th, 2003 Tappahannok, Virginia

It was pretty boring right now for me. My moms, she left for work, out in all that snow..and I'm just here all alone now. Lately though, I've been thinking allot about this what happened between Elouise and I. For a fact I think I actually liked her. Not as a friend, way more than that. I didn't now how to go about it once I found out. I kinda had a feeling I might've liked her but now I know for sure. And I don't know what to do! I know Trent really likes her, he talks about her all the time but never got the courage to ask her out on a date or something. I'd never speak about it to anyone though. Few seconds after my 'episode' I heard knocking on my door.. Why would somebody be knocking if my moms ain't here.

When I looked out the peep while I saw it was Elouise. Jeez she makes me so nervous.

"Hey can I come in? I need to talk to you.." She mumbled looking up at me to make sure she could walk in.

"Y-yeah, sure. Come on, I-I'll show you up to my room."

I closed the front door behind her, and trailed her up the stairs to my bedroom. She plopped down on my bed looking around everything like she were to do if she was in a museum.

"So what'd you wanna talk about..?" Sitting down on my bed I asked.

"Well Christopher, people always pick on us because they think I like you and you like me." She began looking at me as she spoke.


"Yeah so, um.. Well I don't know why people do that. I mean of course you don't like me! And I don't like you either. I need you to stand up for us next time we go to the arcade. Because, it's annoying me and I can't enjoy hanging with my girls if people torment me all the time about 'chemistry' we don't have!"

Elouise explained all of her thoughts to me, and I'm not gonna front and say it didn't hurt for me to hear her say she doesn't like me. Because I liked her so much, I'm just really nervous, and shy. I didn't know how to respond to that. I just stared blankly at her.

" to Christopher!" Waving her hand in front if my face she said.

"O-oh! Yeah, um sure I'll stand up for you I guess.."

There goes all that stuttering again.

"Um, yeah okay. Thanks! I better get going.." She dragged off.

"Wait! No please don't go yet, I have something I need to tell you!"

I hit my forehead in frustration from letting my thoughts get out my mouth. I did not want her to know how I felt, especially 'cause she doesn't like me back.

"What's up Christopher?" She sat back on my bed, giving me her attention.

"Uhh, I just wanted to know if, um.. You maybe..-"

"Need to get back to my house? Yes!" She cut me off.

Just then the power went off.

"Well I better get back over to my house before anything else happens."

We got up nervously and I walked her downstairs,

"Bye Christopher! I'll see you later!" She waved as she opened the door and shut it back close, running to my living room.

"What happened?"

"There's no way in walking anywhere in that blizzard!"

"Well I have the fire place on in here, we can make s'mores and can talk.. Might as well get comfortable, because it's gonna be a while." I stated, going into my pantry grabbing the gram crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows.

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