Batflefield (Actual Chapter)

414 22 5

3:29- June 26, 2006, Shrine Theater, Los Angeles, California

Today is it. My first awards show and I perform. God has truly blessed me and I could never thank him enough for this amazing opportunity. Currently, Mom, Lou Lou, and I are in the limo on our way early to the BET Awards, because I have sound check and rehearsal. I smiled at my view of the two most important people in my life at the moment. Somehow Mom got Lou Lou to wear a designer dress. More like begged and forced. The style of it was Marilyn Monroe, the v-cut wasn't low at all though. It matched my white slacks. Although my mom's persuaded Lou Lou to wear a dress, she couldn't get her to wear her hair down, any makeup, or heels. Instead, she wore a clear gloss, and her hair in a simple bun. Still, she looked stunning.

"You look so good!" Lou Lou shrieked loudly hitting my chest lightly. Mom smiled and shaking her head at us.

"Look at my babies!" She squealed at us in a motherly way.

Shortly we arrived at the theater, and I hopped out the limo heading inside the theater from the back door.

"Mr. Brown, your dressing room is the third one down this hallway, you're up next so if you haven't freshened up do so we'll call you out." The head director instructed me pointing to where everything was. I walked down the hallway approaching my dressing room,

"You're that Chris Brown kid right?" I turned my attention around to see the one and only Ciara looking to me with her eyebrow raised.

"Yes, Ciara. I'm such a huge fan! It's nice to meet you." I shook the hand she lent out for me. If Ciara is here just imagine how many other big time celebrities will be here.

"Yeah me, too. I bought your album it was pretty dope keep up the good work." Ciara said placing her hand on my shoulder before she walked off. I placed my hand over where she put hers.

"The Ciara just touched my shoulder.." Shaking my head grinning, I walked into my dressing room pacing around a bit. Yeah I've done shows but this is different, I was so nervous. Praying to god I don't mess up when I do my backflip. Then I began to warm up my vocal cords by doing scales. I hope that everything goes well.


I'm so proud of Christopher, he made it all the way to the BET Awards! To me, that's a lifetime accomplishment. Christopher still hasn't made it back yet. I stand to my feet as Destiny's Child performs Cater To You. Of course Kelly Rowland picked Nelly to bring upstage with her. She's got like the world's biggest crush on him! It's like a superb concert of icon stars. Just to see all these amazing entertainers come together as one to unify for this night is just wow. I'm so privileged to even be here. When we arrived at the red carpet of course they interviewed us, but for my sake mom told the interviewer I was a close friend of the family. Finally, Christopher comes and joins me in the row of seats.

"What'd I miss?" He questioned smiling down at me, swaying with the row we were in. He had a permanent grin plastered on his face and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Not much, I promise!" I smiled up to him. That's when I actually took the time to really look at him. How in the world did god put something so heavenly on earth? Sometimes I gotta pinch myself, make sure that's really my boyfriend. He's so hot! The way his skin glows, and his perfect smile that he's so insecure about, don't even mention the dimples! How am I supposed to wait 'til I'm eighteen, when I'm trying to jump on him now? Like I should be sitting on his face right now...wait I did not just think that! The show ended eventually and everyone prepared to head to the after party. We exited in an orderly fashion sitting in the limo.

Pure HatredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon