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11:22- August 29th, 2007, Tappahannok, Virginia


This is hilarious! Just as I expected Chris took Elouise for the weekend of her eighteenth birthday. I've been waiting for this day for about a year..to say that I'm glad would be an understatement. Today's the day the process of Chris being mines starts. Elouise said she wants to give her virginity to him tonight. Yeah, I'm pretty bothered that I won't be his first but it's okay. I'll make him wish he was. She's actually been texting me allot today, talking about how nervous she was. I sighed heavenly trust falling onto my bed, squealing in delight.

"What're you so ecstatic about?" Laughed the giggly Stasha, poking my nose. She's the most innocent girl I know. Tony's lucky to have her.. I'm happy they finally decided to quit messing with eachother. It seems like everyone's realizing who they want now, Trent and I are the only single people out of us all. There's no way I'd ever grow desperate enough to date him. I know what I want and I'm destined to get it. My fury will drive me to insane measures.

"It's Elouise's eighteenth birthday, our best friend is finally legal! Why wouldn't I be happy?"

Stasha cackled a little before hitting me over the head with my favorite pillow. Oh it's on!


God can you mention my nervousness right now?! Here I am with my boyfriend of almost three years, for my eighteenth birthday. He decided that for the weekend of my birthday we'd go to New York since I've never been. I couldn't be more thankful. Now it's the second day we've been together out here in Manhattan. He purchased to stay in Millineium Hilton. That's one of the most expensive hotels out here. The view is even more priceless. But judging by the way he's looking right now, I don't know how much longer I can go without trying something. We're actually on a double decker bus touring New York. Forty-second street to be exact. Times Square.

"Are you having fun babe?" Christopher questioned hugging me closer. He looked down at me and smiled. Did I forget to mention how sexy he looks in this lighting? I can't believe I just thought that, but the way the colorful lights danced off his skin drives me crazy. Hell, everything about him lately has been driving me crazy. His smile, his smell, his touch. At the moment wouldn't be a good idea for him to hold me like this when I have all the temptation to have sex with him right here, right now. I don't understand why my hormones are acting like they'd never seen him before..

"Yeah, are you?" I smiled weakly back at him as his hand traveled down my to my waist slightly gripping it. A small moan escaped my lips. Just the slightest touch is enough for arousal. Why is this happening to me?

"Was..was that a moan I just heard?" Christopher asked concernly, whispering in my ear so that his breath tickled down my neck. The Lord isn't being a very nice help to me right now.

"No, what are you talking about ?"

He shrugged and started admiring the view of the city. He doesn't know what's ? coming for him once we get back to the hotel. It's almost twelve in the afternoon yet I'm here getting all got and bothered. I've officially got problems. Once we stepped off the bus, we walked into the big Dave and Busters. I love this place. It's like a mature Chuck E. Cheese. I'm surprised paparazzi isn't popping up everywhere.

"Where's the paparazzi and press? Usually they follow you everywhere.."

"I had my people give them false information so today it's just you and me.."

There goes another puddle in my underwear. What's his plan? To make me walk around with this uncomfortable wetness in between my legs all day? No, I don't think so.

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