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I'm livid I'm seriously gonna delete my wattpad someday. It makes no sense for me to work for three-fucking-days on this chapter, for it to get deleted. Then ontop of that, I had to rewrite it three more times! And it deleted it all three times. I'm so sick of wattpad mobile. My computer is down, so I have to update at school when I revise my chapters. I swear man this is the most fucking agitating shit. Wattpad is acting like a cynical fuck. I'm trying to remain stoic, but I only have so much patience. This is probably the third time wattpad has done this time trying to update a chapter. I'm sorry for ranting, I'm going to write the chapter after I upload this but you need to understand my fury and pain towards wattpad right now. This is getting out of hand. Wattpad should suck my clitorus for all I care. It's really kissing me off I work so hard in every thing I upload, and for it to take my hard work and delete it? It hurts a little you know? After this I'm gonna go right the real chapter and the chapter is called 'Battlefield'. Thank you all for all you do and all the love you show my works 💙 make sure to preorder the album loves!

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