True Colors

471 24 9

7:46- March 4th, 2004 Tappahannok, Virginia

There is only a week away until our auditions come and to say that I was happy wasn't even going to cut it. It'd be nice to see Lou Lou and I get big and famous together. I've been working hard on my performance and everything, I hope that I make the cut. I've even made a song I plan to sing for them. But something about this just doesn't seem right. Like how come me and Elouise have to have the same day for our audition. And the funny thing about it is, I never even applied for an audition. Some talent scout called my mom talking about how they came to my school's talent show and saw me do a Michael Jackson song and dance. Which I did do but, the school would've told us if there was talent scouts that's a little weird to me. Lately I haven't been hanging out with my girlfriend like usual because I have to make sure that my performance goes perfectly. I've been practicing my routine like I go to church every Sunday. But right now I'm just sidekick paging Louie to figure out how she's doing.

I paged her,

Are you ready for your audition ?

From: Lou Lou

Yeah, I'm pretty nervous though :/ are you sure that you can't come?

I really hate that I can't come, just because I'm hiding the fact I have my own audition. I don't want her worried. I sighed,

Nope :( I have something important I have to do, but I will send my support!

From: Lou Lou

Darn! Well whatever it is, I hope it goes well. Are we still on for the movies at my house tomorrow?

I laughed at how she thought I was gonna cancel on her.

Of course little girl, I told you that already :P

From: Lou Lou

Okay, well my mom's calling me down for dinner so I gotta go. See you tomorrow!

I smiled a little,

Alright, later!

Maybe I should just take a shower to help me get my mind off of me not being able to go to Lou Lou's audition.


"So, are you ready for next week Elouise ?" My mom questioned me as she passed the garlic mashed potatoes, also my favorite side dish, around to my sister.

"I'm a bit nervous, but also excited."

The only person who didn't seem so excited was Sabrina, she kept giving me these glares like I had done something she didn't like.

"Sabrina, you okay? You've been pretty quiet lately and that's not you.."

"Mom, I'm fine. I just have allot on my mind." She replied in a calm tone, which I could see straight through.

"Care to explain hunny?"

"No mom, it's fine. I'm really excited for Elouise though! I know she's gonna knock 'em dead!" Sabrina exclaimed with sudden cheerfulness in her voice.

"Well then, let us pray and eat!"

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this food from which we are about to receive for nourishment to our bodies in Christ name amen." I prayed, ready to eat my mom's fried chicken and green beans with my garlic mash potatoes. This is going to be good!

A few minutes into eat Sabrina received a page,

"Um, mom can I go down the street real quick? Josh says he has something to tell me.."

"Yeah sweetie you've got fifteen minutes, if you're not back by then I'm coming out there and you know you don't like it when I come out there."

We all laughed, and Sabrina left.

"So, how're things with you and Christopher missy?" My mom cooed at me finishing her chicken leg.

"Well, actually we're pretty good. Lately he hasn't been hanging as much, but I understand he has a life besides being with me all the time haha."

"How do you feel about him not being able to come to your audition?"

I think she knew she was asking a risky question because she palmed my hand, and gave me a sincere look.

"Honestly, I don't know. I wish he could be there, but I know that he has other things to do, too. Sometimes things are more important than going to someone's audition."

"But you're not just someone to him you're his little Elouise, his girlfriend."

I sighed

"I know mom but when you're boyfriend and girlfriend you have to make choices that you don't want to sometimes. So just let it go mom." I smiled at her to let her know it was perfectly okay.

"If you say so, I'll clean up, you can go take your shower, you know you have school tomorrow!"

"Yeah tomorrow's also Friday so I'm happy about that too!"

I got up from my seat, rushing upstairs to get myself ready for a shower. Can't believe I'm this close to becoming somebody.


"So what's going on Sabrina! Tell us what's happening!"

I yelled at her as she came sitting on the bus bench.

"Well hello to you too, hey Trent!"

Trent smiled at her and she began to talk.

"As far as I know, she's got everything down pack, she's performing a dance routine and she's going perform an Alicia Keys song on the piano." Sabrina breathed out catching her breath.

"Well, Chris is singing a song he made, and his dance routine is pretty dope if you ask me! He's been singing allot lately at my house." Trent added looking at the both of us.

"I do not want my sister to get accepted from that audition. And leave us to go to Hollywood? She's been perfect my whole life. She can sing, play the guitar , violin, and piano, she can dance, and act! What can I do? Sometimes I feel like I can never be enough and it's time to take her down some.." Sabrina stated a little agitated.

"Well I want her away because she stole Christopher from me."

"Yeah I agree, and Chris stole her from me." Trent added.

"Well, Chris' audition is right before hers, so we did a job well done!" I say slyly.

"All we do is wait?" Sabrina questioned.


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