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I also had to re-upload this because you guys couldn't see it. I really hope you can see it! Sorry it took me awhile to re-upload.

Anyway I'm so glad you guys enjoyed this fanfic, and if you didn't...you're lying to yourself.

This has been an amazing journey and I never thought this many people would read this story. I love you all so much.

Thank you for reading.



Well here I am. Walking inside another book store like every day. This is my job, walking into bookstores. That's because I'm finally on tour with my book. I didn't realize that many people read my book, I've just heard like hundred people would show up each signing. But I was wrong, there were almost a thousand people or more coming to get there book signed by me. The author of the book.

I walk in with my manager Denise and Ana, and get greeted by many fans. Even though my hand cramps during the signing, it's all worth it because I get to see the fans and meet them personally. I won't to know how many lives I've touched, and healed. Because that was my intention of the book. It was to show that you're not alone.

Oh! You never got to hear the title of my book! The books title is called Secret. I took my old nanny's advice and use real life events from my life.

While I'm sitting here meeting fans and signing books, I bet you want to know how the boys are doing?

The lads are on tour like every year, I feel like they need to slow it down on tours, because that's their job. The are still touring stadiums and making people happy. Which I support them in whatever choices they make in their career. I'm so proud of them, just like the fans are proud of them. They've grown so much in the past years, and became more successful. They're my family, and I know they'll still be playing shows until they are old and wrinkly. People say they'll flop but let me tell you this. No one likes a liar.

Anastasia misses her daddy and I miss him too. But her favorite part of the day is the end on the night when we get to FaceTime him. Just seeing the smile on her face when her dad's face pops up on screen makes her happy. It makes me happy to see both of them happy.

Ana is now three years old. She's doing school on the bus and she learns just as well like in a normal school. But one day whenever Liam and I have two years of freedom, she'll be in the normal school with kids her age. Denise, my manager, teaches her everything.

Finally it became six in the afternoon and the last fan came up to get their book signed. I didn't see the fans face, but I could tell it was a male. He slid his book onto the table.

"I have to say, your book changed the way I looked at things and how I look at myself." His voice was deep and thick.

"Well I'm happy that you look at things differently in your life." I flip open his book, "Name?"

He lets out a chuckle and I still stare at the book, "Brock."

I slowly look up, and then realize who I was talking to. Brock Reeding.

"Brock!" I drop my pen and quickly fling my arms around him.

Soon after he wraps his arms around me.

"Wow you've grown so tall! How are you feeling? You look so different! When did you get out? Oh my gosh! Why didn't you text me? What the fuck-"

"Baleigh!" He laughs out, "One question at a time. Now sign my book and you can ask me those questions."


We quickly order our drinks and then take a seat. I have so many questions to ask him, but I will take it slow.

Finally we got our drinks, then I just stared at him.

"So are you going to ask me the questions?" Brock takes a sip from his drink.

"When did you get out?"

"Just about a month ago, my parents thought it would've been better if I'd stay in rehab for a couple years. The best part was I could leave the facility on the holidays and my birthday. I feel so much better now. I've realized I've been taking things for granted, and I'm just happy I'm out."

"Good. So why didn't you get ahold of me? You could've called me or texted me."

"Well here's the best part, I've met someone in rehab and we both got out the same time. So we decided to move in together so it took us awhile to get everything settled."

I just couldn't stop smiling, "I'm so proud of you, Brock."

He nods and quickly takes a sip of his coffee.

"I see you finally got married to that Liam fellow."

"Oh yeah, it's almost been a year since we've been married. You definitely need to meet him sometime, I've told him all about you and he's dying to meet you. The other lads would love to know you better also."

"I can't believe you had a kid, Baleigh. She looks just like her mum. What's her name again?"

"Anastasia Rose Payne, she just turned three."

"So what about you? Are you Baleigh Evans?"


"Are you Baleigh Cowell?"

"Nope, I'm just Baleigh Payne. That's how God intended my name to be when I grew up. I'm happy finally."

"Good." He takes another drink of his coffee, "So how does it feel to not be the secret daughter anymore?"

"Oh Brock, I'll always be that secret daughter but I'm just out there for the world to see now."

My dad just wanted me to be safe. Sending me to the US was the only option for him, so I wouldn't be bombarded with paps. He wanted me to live a normal life, but that didn't go as planned. No ones life if normal, especially not mine.

Crazy things happened in my life from seeing two of my family members fighting over me, Danielle being the one selling out rumors on TV, being kidnapped, losing my child, finally having my baby, and finally finding the one I love. It's all been pretty crazy, and I have to say I loved it. I love this life I live.

I love being the secret daughter that is out in the open now. I use to be the secret daughter of Simon Cowell.

And I have to say it's pretty great.

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