Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

Baleigh's POV

After awhile I realize what I am doing. I pull away from him and were both out of breath.

"Niall. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!", I really fucked up big time.

"I did.", he admitted.


"I don't even know if I love Hunter. The only one on my mind is you. I-I'm just so confused."

"Leave my room.", I look at the floor.


"You heard me. Leave."

"What the fuck is your deal!", he stands up from the bed and looks at me, "You always changed your fucking moods!"

That's when I stand up too. "Maybe because you 'maybe' not love my best friend!"

"You just kissed me! You betrayed your 'best friend'!"

"Get the fuck out!", I push him until he finally leaves.

I slam the door shut. I lowered myself onto my floor and cupped my face once again. I let all my tears out onto my small hands. I don't belong here. I never had. I should've stayed in Ohio, where I was hidden and I never existed. I pick myself off the floor and walked over to my closet. I started to search for my duffle bag. Once I found it I stuffed all of the clothes in there. I turned off my phone in threw it in the bag. I'm not going to bring my charger because once it dies. I open my desk drawer from money. I found the money my mum gave me for when I go to college. There is about 10 thousand in this envelope. I grab a black hoodie and put it on quickly. I slide on some sweats and boots. I run to my door and lock it. I zip up the bag and open my window. I look down before I go out. I grab my bag and throw it out the window. I climb out the window and hang off the edge of my railing. I close my eyes and jump. Once I felt hard ground hit my back I got up and ran to the backyard. I hope no one is going to see me. I start to run for the woods in the backyard. I made it inside the woods and I was running as fast as I could. Suddenly, I tripped over my foot and I fell into the mud. I just got up and kept walking.

Liam's POV

As I take a big inhale of the smokey bar I ask for a beer and take a seat. Luckily I made it without getting noticed by anyone. Once my beer came I took a big sip. I really need this.

After about 5 minutes of me sitting here with a bar full of drunk assholes, I realize what I am doing. Why am I here? Why did I hurt Baleigh like that. I guess it came out of me like a fucking idiot would do. I take one last sip of my beer and leave a tip. I run out of the bar and notice I'm a bit tipsy. I can't drive. I grab my phone and call Niall, he'll come pick me up. About after the 3rd ring he answers.

"Um hey Li.", his voice lower than usual.

"Uh hey, Niall. I'm at the closet bar to our flat can you-you pick me up?", I slur my words.

"Yea. Give me 5 minutes okay?", still his voice is lower than usual it sends chills down my spine.

I nod even though he couldn't see me. I hang up and I shove my phone back in my pocket. I decide to sit on the bench outside and just wait. It has gotten pretty cold now. Well it is September and it's fall. I don't even know what in thinking right now after my 3rd beer I'm decently drunk.

Suddenly, I see a person walk across the pavement in front of me. The persons good was up and I couldn't get a good view of his/her face. All I see is a black hoodie, skinny jeans, a duffle bag, and boots. It has to be a girl because no guy would wear girly boots like that.

"Hey you!", once I yelled that the girl stopped in her footsteps then I get to my feet.

"Yea you. Are you okay? Your walking in the middle no where, let me and my lad take you home-"

"No. No I'm fine. T-Thanks anyway.", her voice is pitchy but sounds familiar.

"No please I'm no molester. I promise you that. Because I swear to God-"

"I said no!", with that the girl walked away.

After the mystery person walked away, Niall pulled up in the van.

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