Chapter 59

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Song of chapter: Human- Christina Perri

Chapter 59:

"Can you sing to me. That song that you wrote me." I whisper into the phone.

Liam told my nurse Jamie that he wants to request to call me.

When he sings the song he wrote me, the images of us today pop in my head. Being with him, doing those things make me feel whole and perfect. When we do those things it makes he feel closer to him. It's like it makes me want to know him better, even though I already know everything about him. Even secrets that he keeps. Hopefully he keeps no secrets from me.

What happens if he is keeping something from me? Would I go all depressed again and cut myself? Would I run away?

But if he is keeping something from me, I'd still love him. Unless it's something serious.

"I'm half a heart without you." I hear Liam's beautiful angelic voice through the phone.

"Your voice always makes my days better." I say.

"I'm glad I'm that voice."

I feel my cheeks heat up and a smile grows onto my face. God I love him.

"Are you all better now?" I hear him yawn over the phone.

I yawn with him. "Yes. Thank you, Liam."

"No problem babe. I should start heading to bed I got to wake up early to come get you." I wish I could tell if he was smiling.

"Okay." I mumble, "Hey Liam?"


"I love you." I smile.

"I love you more."

*Sunday- 4 days till Christmas*

I asked Jamie for a alarm clock so I had time to pack my things and eat breakfast.

My alarm went off at 9:00 am. I shot up and jumped out of bed. I grabbed my bag on the couch and shove all my clothes and stuff in it. I call for Jamie and she sends me to breakfast in the cafeteria.

I'm so excited to go home. In my room, with my family, and my friends. I just want to be home. Being here in rehab, even just for a couple days, made me feel a lot better. I want to stop cutting. I want to be healthy and grow up. I want to grow up, have children, and grow old. But I want to do it with that one person. Liam.

I walk into the cafeteria and see Brock. This is going to be the hardest part. Saying goodbye to Brock Reeding. He knows I'm leaving today. But hopefully I see him again one day. But Brock taught me things. To always try to get better for family, friends, and someone special in your life. Everyone should take the advice. If you want to die think twice and say I need to get better for my friends, family, and the someone special.

"Hey Brock!" I say sitting next to him.

"Hey Ms. Cowell."

"How are- wait Cowell? My last name is Evans."

"Oh shut up. I watch TV I know who you are. Your Simon Cowell's daughter." He laughs, "Don't worry, I won't tell."

I let out a sigh and give him a smile. I examine his feature one last time. I look at his long black hair and my eyes go down to his eyes, they're a nice Hershey brown, and then I look at his neck and his bruise is fading away.

"Brock." I take his hand and grab his shirt sleeve and pull it down.

I lost my breath as I examine his arm. Cuts, cuts, and more cuts. But the thing is that's what my thighs look like. My thighs are all cut up and something nobody even wants to look at.

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