Chapter 50

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Song for chapter: Half A Heart- One Direction

Chapter 50:

Niall's POV

"So all the tests we ran were perfectly fine. So we are going to prescribe you medicine for the pain and you'll be free to leave the hospital." My nurse tells me as she stares at her clipboard.

I nod. "Can you hand me my cell on the counter I'm gonna call my friend to pick me up."

She grabs my phone and hands it to me. She gave my reassuring smile.

"I'll go get your release papers."

I unlock my phone and dial Liam's number. I guess I'll have him come pick me up.


"Hey Liam, um my doctor says I can be released today. So can you come get me?"

"Uh yeah sure lad. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I nod even though he can't see me and hang up the phone. Once I hang up my nurse entered the room and starts to unhook me from these machines. I sign my papers so I can leave.

After I finished gathering my belongings Liam is here to get me. I adjust my arm sling and Liam carries my bag. He lays my bag in the back seat and we hop in the van. The drive started out silent until Liam spoke up.

"Baleigh is applying for college." Liam sighs.

"Wait what? After all that happened?"

He nods and grips the steering wheel.

"I don't want to lose her, Niall."

"I don't either lad. She's our family. But we will get to see her. It's not like she's leaving forever. If that's what she wants then you should be by her side and agree with her." I finish my statement with a sigh.

He doesn't say anything. He just grips the wheel and I could tell by his mood that he wants to cry. Liam has the right to cry. That's his girlfriend for Christ's sake.

"You love her, don't you?"

He sighs and smile. Giving me one quick glance and let out a small chuckle.

"Lots. I love her so much that I can't even put it into words. You know when you listen to your favorite band or singer and you instantly fall in love. That's what it was like when she first talked to me. In an instant I loved her. Even though I was with Danielle, I couldn't get Baleigh out of my mind. Her voice melts my brain and I can't even think when I'm around her. And losing her again could kill me. I can't live without her."

I just smile. I rest my hand on Giap shoulder and pat it.

"Damn lad. You care that much about her?"

He nods. "All the time."

"Did you tell her all this?"

He shakes his head no.

"It's almost going to be a year you've guys been together. You got to express your love for her."

He doesn't respond. He just focuses his eyes on the road. I won't push it any further so I decide to close my eyes and take a short nap before we get home.

Liam's POV

As I drive along the dark road it begins to rain. Niall is right. He may not be smart at times but when it comes to love he knows it all. I do need to confess my love for her. But I want to in a special way.

Until it hits me. The lads and I are working on the new album sometime this week. Maybe I could get help and write a song for her and put it on the album. Maybe Niall could help me. But all I know is I got to get the song done fast and perfect.

Once we got home nobody bothered to say hi to Niall. But they all knew Niall was pretty tired so they didn't bother. Niall knew the plan when I pulled into the driveway. So we made our way upstairs and into the small studio we have in the far corner of the flat.

After awhile we had the lyrics and even though Niall had a sling, he taught me the cords to the song on the guitar. I was pretty happy with it and I decided to wait till morning. It was already midnight and I didn't want to bother Baleigh's slumber. I thanked Niall and we bother parted our ways.

I gripped my new guitar and slumped into my room. I sit on the bed and prop the guitar on my leg. I guess I better rehearse the song one more time just in case. I liked this song a lot. Thanks to Niall I never would've had a good song. I may not agree that she chose to go to college soon but I now respect her wishes. Even though I will be half a man than I will be without her I will always and should always respect her wishes. I dedicate this song to her and this song is called--

Baleigh's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. The sun blazing through my window. I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes. I slip on my glasses and walk over to the balcony window. It's getting colder out now. Sooner or later it's going to be winter and Christmas is gonna be around the corner.

I walk back over to my bed and sat down. I lift my pajama sleeve and see a scar. My scar of where I cut myself which is the one of the days I wish I could've took back. I trace my fingertip on the scar and close my eyes. I remember the pain I was in. When I get hate on social media I feel like I'm worthless. From the beginning of when I was on the first concert with the lads when I confessed seeing hate blogs about me, and sometimes I'd look up more hate blogs about me. It got to me so bad that I hurt myself. My own body. If my mum could see me now, she'd see me as a fighter. I flutter my eyes open and stare up at my ceiling. I wish I could see her. But I know she could see me.

"I'm a fighter, mum." I whisper.

A knock came upon my door and I rolls my sleeve back down and sighed.

"Come in!"

The door slowly opened and Liam's head pops in. I couldn't help but smile. Liam's cheeky humor got me again.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Cowell." Suddenly Liam did a curtesy and I giggle.

I look at Liam's hand and he held a guitar.

"What's with the guitar?" I point at it and smile.

He let's out a sigh and sits across from me on the bed. He plops the guitar on his lap and his gaze meets mine.

"I'm sorry for freaking out yesterday. I just don't want you to leave. I lov- I mean you mean so much to me and it's hard to see those kind of people leave my life. I've had so many people leave and never come back, I'm just afraid you won't come back?"

I cup his cheek, my thumb caresses his cheek and it caught one small tear.

"I promise I'm coming back. I love this new crazy family I have and I don't ever want to leave it."

A smile creeps onto his face.

"So what is the guitar for!" I say excitedly.

He begins to laugh. "I wrote you a song."

I begin to smile and clap my hands.

"What's it called?"

He stares down at the guitar and then back up at me.

"It's called Half A Heart."

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