Chapter 68

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So before we start this new chapter. I wanted to say there is a 90% chance there is gonna be a sequel to this fanfic. It's so hard to give up a fanfic you love so much.

There is a total of 2 chapters left, then the epilogue.

I'm updating this on my new iPhone 5c! I'm so happy!

Anyway here's an update and I love you guys! Don't forget to vote!


Chapter 68:

Baleigh's POV

The month waiting period was up. I marked it on my calendar. I couldn't stand being this long away from everybody. My dad, Hunter, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Liam. All the people that I care about. I promised I'd take two weeks off from my book to spend it with everyone while the lads are on tour. It's been almost four months since I've seen everyone. To be honest, it's been a living complete hell. Especially when I've been so worked up about this bloody book. I need a break at some point. Every night I'd FaceTime Liam and see everyone, but it's not the same. That's technology. Not real life.

"Attention everyone. Please fasten your seat belts and put away your cell phones and internet sources. We will be descending shortly." The attendant called.

I turn off my music and shut my phone off. I quickly fasten my seat belt and open my window. I kept it shut because I'm afraid of height and shit. But, I'm okay because we're landing.

I look out the window to see the sun is just about to rise. You now see the beautiful city and ocean. I forget where I am because I'm so anxious to see Liam and everyone. Hopefully they will be there when I land.

Liam's POV

"Liam will you stop pacing so much. Your making me nervous." Zayn grumbles.

"You nervous? I'm the nervous one! I haven't seen my girlfriend in almost four months!"

I hear Zayn sigh and continue to tap away on his phone.

"Oh Zayn hush! Don't ever tell me you didn't act like that when you haven't seen me in a long time." Perrie points out.

"Liam you haven't are all morning. Please let me get you something from the vending machine." Eleanor offers.

I look over at Louis and he smiles.

"I would listen to her or she'll go and shove the food down your throat." He paused, "I should know."

I sigh again. I take a seat next to Niall and Harry as they tap away on their phones. I gave Eleanor no reply, but she got up anyway to get me something.

My stomach started to rumble. I was kind of hungry. It's almost noon. I was up all night, with no rest at all. I was so anxious. I've been counting the days to see Baleigh. I'd ask everyone on the tour bus what the date was so I'd make sure I had the right amount of days. I know when I made the choice to ask her to be my wife, I knew there is gonna be some challenges. Like I'll be on tour and she'll be busy finishing her book. Then when her book gets famous and number one, she'd be on a autograph tour.

But, our love is strong. Stronger than-- well the last relationship. I will not mention her name, because she will no longer be a part of my life. She will be known as: nobody I cared about. Baleigh is my life now. She is the only woman, besides my mum and sisters, that I truly care about. I'll make sure that she will be treated as a princess. My princess.

"Here. I got you a breakfast bar and a sport drink. That should wake you up."

"Thanks, El."

I quickly open my breakfast bar and devour it in a matter of minutes. I twist open my drink and take small slow sips. Even if it was one bar, I was full enough to survive till lunch.

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