Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

I sat in bed after dinner and pulled out my favorite book of all time. 'Romeo and Juliet'. Liam never came home yet, which worried me so much. I swear if Danielle hurt Liam's heart again she will be dead in two seconds. I turn to page and block Liam out of mind and accidentally got a paper cut. Blood dripped slowly from my cut and it burned. I closed the book and went into the loo. I turned on the sink to cold water and ran it over my finger.

I hissed at the pain, making me squeeze my eyes shut. Then the door of the bathroom flung open.

"Oh Baleigh are you ok?", Niall ran to my side.

"Yea, just a paper cut.", I smile weakly.

Niall shook his head and laughed. "Here your not doing it right."

Niall pulled my hand out of the running water and he grabbed me by the hips. He lifted me up onto the counter grabbed some stuff from the cabinets. He pours liquid onto a piece of toilet paper.

"This will sting.", he warned me.

He placed the stuff onto my finger which burned worse than the water. I hiss again and try to squeeze my eyes harder. He removes the toilet paper with the medicine off my finger. Niall blows air onto my finger which made it feel wonderful. I slowly opened my eyes to see Niall's blue eyes locked on mine.

"All better?", he smiles.

"Much bet-"

Niall's lips shut me up. My eyes widen in shock, my hands fly up in the air. But, I just calmly relaxed and closed my eyes and kissed him back. My arms lowered down and wrapped around Niall's neck. His hands made its way to my hips and squeezed them. I giggled into his mouth and made the kiss more passionate. The closed door was now open and we pulled away.

"Liam don't scare us like that.", Niall stomped of my bathroom.

I stared in shock. Liam's eyes widened at what he saw. He just walked in on us...kissing.

"Liam I-I"

"Baleigh you don't have to say anything.", he smiled, "Me and Dani worked things out."

My heart dropped. They made up. But, she is a selfish low life bit- now Baleigh stop it that's Liam's girlfriend.
Girlfriend. I guess Liam is happy...right?

"You did?", I stare.

"Yea. I guess she just didn't like the hate that's all.", he shrugs his shoulders.

I fake smile and hop off the counter. I wrap my arms around Liam's torso in a hug. His long arms hug me back. I kiss his cheek and pull away. I walk into my room and sat on my bed. I looked at the time.


"What!", Liam yelled grabbing my alarm clock.

"What time do we have to wake up today for the tour?", I look at him as he sets my clock back down.

"4am...I guess I'm off to bed.", Liam smiled, "Night Baleigh."

He kisses my forehead and walks out of the room. I blush and felt butterflies in my stomach. Dani coming with us on the American tour? God I hope not. I hope he answers my prayers this time. I grab my book I was reading and set it on my nightstand along with my glasses. I turn off my lights with two claps and fall into a deep sleep.

"Wake up lazy ass!", I heard Louis yell.

"Go fuck yourself Lou!", I threw a pillow at him.

"We have to get on the plane in 2 hours! Get up, come eat, then get ready! Your stuff is already in the van.", Louis commanded.

"Louis!", I whined.

"Com' on Niall's waiting for you.", he smirked.

I shot my head up and grab my glasses. "What did you just say?"

Louis laughs. "Niall's been wanting you to wake up for hours.", he crosses his arms.

I smile and blush a bit. Niall wanted me up hours ago? Wow, and Liam didn't. My feelings for Liam haven't faded yet but, I had to try to get over them. I like Niall he is very sweet and when we kiss I see fireworks. I use want to be with Niall. If my father would just let me date for once in my life.

"Be down in five minutes.", I whine.

"That's more like it.", Louis laughed and walked out of the room.

I walked into the loo and fixed my messy bun before I walked downstairs. Everyone was enjoying their meals and I just picked at my food. I don't know why I can't eat, but it's bothering me a lot. Something bothering me I just don't know what. I eat a little and then got dressed getting out of my glasses and into my contacts and makeup. I stayed in my hoodie and shorts and slipped on my Keds. I returned to downstairs and saw my dad and everyone.

"Time to go boys.", my father claps his hands. I cough and stare at my dad. "And girl.", he laughs.

I ran into my dad's arms and gave him a huge hug. "I love you dad.", I mumble in his chest.

"I love you to darling.", he mumbled into my hair.

All the boys smile leaving the house and going outside to the van. My father pulls away from our hug and looks me in the eye.

"I know I hate to say this but...your grown up now. You have my permission to date sweet heart. But, babe if you decide to you know...have sex. Use protection, ok?", my father says ", my father says with concern.

I laugh. "Don't worry dad. Trust me that won't be for awhile."

My dad kisses my forehead and scoots me out the door. The boys sat in the van waiting for me. I hopped in next to Niall and along came Liam. Everyone got in the van and looked at me.

"Ready for America?", Harry asks.

"I've lived their half my life.", I laugh, "I think I got this."

Everyone laughed and we drove off. Niall looks down at me and smiled. Our eyes meet and I felt something touch the back of my hand. I look down to see Niall entwining our fingers. I look back up at his ocean blue orbs. Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn weren't paying attention. Niall leaned down and gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Ew! Get a bloody room!", Harry spoke up.

Hey guys. I'm not going to be updating for a week, because I've been going through some tuff stuff this week. So, hopefully ill give you some Author's notes to keep you up when in going to update the fanfic.

I'm sorry that I won't be able to update for awhile. I feel bad as it is. It's just a break I need to take from writing. I've been depressed for awhile now, so this should be good for me.

If you all can vote please and comments are very nice too.

Lots of love,
Marissa xx

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