Chapter 57

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I want to say that someone corrected me for my grammar on Chapter 3.
I didn't spell The Beatles right.
Now a girl commented telling me a spelled it wrong.
And I told her to shut up and then she called me a "uneducated freak".

People don't understand how much that hurts me because I'm dyslexic and I can't help but letters switch around and sometimes it hard for me to spell. It makes me depressed to even write a new chapter but I'll try my best on this one. To be honest...I've been cyber bullied and bullied all my life for being dyslexic so I guess that's why that comment hurt me so much.

I love you guys...and I'm sorry that autocorrect also changes my words.

Chapter 57:

Once I got to Jamie's office I sat down in a chair and waiting till she took me to my group session. It was awkward sitting in her office while the only noise come from her typing loudly on the computer.

This gave me time to think. Modest. Why would they just want me to be out of the picture. I know I caused the lads trouble but at least I didn't make them lose record sales. The fans care what the boys do but Modest defiantly wants me gone. Like from human existence. It's like they're paying Pop TV to make up more lies about me to make the fans hate me. But guess what their plan is fucking failing.

"Oh Baleigh, it's almost four I should start walking you down."

We left her office and walked down the empty halls. To me this place look liked the asylum from American Horror Story. But it's more cleaner.

We stop in front of a door with a sign that said "Sanctuary". She motioned me to go in so I did. The first person I lay eyes on is Brock. Again he is sitting on by a big bright window. He turns his head and notices me. He waves his hand to motion to come over to him.

"Baleigh! Fancy seeing you again." His British accent was strong.

"Nice seeing you too, Brock."

"Please have a seat. Group session starts in five minutes so we can do whatever till then."

I nod. I look outside. The snow slowly falling to the ground.

"Can I ask a weird question?"

I look back at him. "Sure."

He sighs. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

My breath hitches. "Yes."

He laughs. "Don't worry I don't fancy you or anything. I just wanted to ask- uh- what does love feel like."

A smile creeps across my face. My chest burns with passion as his beautiful face pops into my head.


No one can understand our love. People always trying to break us apart. Not anyone. Our love is crazy, never ending, and something different. But a good different.

"Love. Love is doing someone else's deeds before yourself. Love is a feeling you get and you always think it's gonna go away but it's not. Love is never ending. Some may never understand love but eventually you will. Love is like listening to your favorite and you can't get enough of it. You put it on repeat and never take it off for months."

Brock just stares at me in awe. It's like he never felt it before. But truly he has felt love. His parents must've loved him enough to send him here to get better and he had to of did things for his parents and they loved him for it.

"Wow. You and your boyfriend must have some powerful love." He smirks.

I look down at my lap. A smile written across my face.

"Yeah. Our love crazy." I pause, "Crazy beautiful."

Brock let's out a laugh and takes my hand.

"I know we just met today and I may not know who this love is but, he is the one."

Two and a half more days Baleigh and you'll be with the one.


Liam's POV

I drive around the town so I don't have to go home. I don't want to be surrounded by people telling me "she'll be okay" and "she'll be better". I just want her home so I can heal her myself, instead of some random strangers.

I drive near a cafe and I decide to stop and get a coffee. I order a coffee and wait for my name to be called.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder.


I turn around to think 'oh it's just another fan wanting an autograph' but no. It was the one person that I haven't seen in months. The person that caused me so much pain and pressure. The person who was rude and mean to my friends. That person was-


"How are you?"

Seriously is trying to have a real conversation with me instead of her sass ass attitude.

"Good. How have you been?"

"Busy since I just got a job in New York. I'm going to be moving there in a month."

I nod my head.

"Are you still mad at me?" Her voice soft and squeaky.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whisper, "You are always trying to get me back, you've been sending hate tweets to Baleigh and her friend, and you are the one that's been paying Pop TV to give her hate."

"Hey you promised not to tell Baleigh and better not or I'll make sure she will get hate all around the world."

"I didn't tell her. She thinks it's Modest right now. She's in rehab Dani, and it's all your fault. Baleigh doesn't even know that you've been texting me for these past months trying to get me back, and guess what-" I whisper loudly, "you'll never get back with me. I love Baleigh not you."

"Liam?" I heard the lady at counter say.

"Fuck off. Or I'll do something about it." I grumble.

I grab my coffee and leave the cafe.

I got home about six pm so everyone would be to tired to talk to me. Everyone was in the living room watching the TV and I decide to walk past them and head to the kitchen.

"Hey Liam! There is pizza on the counter if you want some!" I heard Harry holler.

I see the Dominoes box on the counter and grab a slice. I sit at the counter and enjoy my food. I pull my phone out of my pocket and I see my lock screen. It was a Baleigh and I. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the first day she came on stage at the concert. I took a picture with her and Baleigh's beautiful dimples were showing. God I wish she was home.

"Hey Liam, the lads and I are going upstairs and rehearsing the new album. Do you want to join?" Zayn says walking into the kitchen and grabbing pizza.

I shake my head. "I'm getting pretty tired so I'm gonna head to bed."

I would join them but I'm just not in the mood.

Sorry it's short!

-Marissa xx

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