Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

Zayn's POV (A/N: NEW POV!)

I walk down the hallway making my way to my room then, all the sudden I hear crying. I stop in my footsteps to hear what's going on, then I notice I'm on front of the bathroom. I went to knock but I stopped because I heard loud clattering and more sobbing. I just sit here and listen. I don't want to bother whoever is crying. But everyone was downstairs. I mean everyone besides Baleigh. She went upstairs. I walk back to her room to see her laptop laying on her bed. I take a seat and open it up. Thank God she didn't have a password on it. When it turned on Twitter popped up. I came to shock to see hate tweets that had her mentioned in it. I could tell there is tons, but I only saw the ones that are terrible.

It hit me like a brick. What if she is-no. She can't be doing that to herself, she isn't that girl. But I know her she always keeps secrets and her sadness inside her so it won't effect us lads and Simon.

"Baleigh!", I get up from the bed leaving the laptop behind and run to the bathroom.

I bang on the bathroom door. "Baleigh! Baleigh open up!"

No answer. "Baleigh!", then my voice sounds more concern.

I begin to connect my shoulder to the door, hoping the door will brake open. I continue to do it repeatedly, and then it opened. I look down to see Baleigh passed out of the floor.

"Lads!" I scream.

I rush over to Baleigh's body gripping her close to me. I felt something cold hit my wrist, I pull her away from my body to see blood on my white shirt. I look at her wrist to see two cuts. One is tiny the other is deep and won't stop bleeding.

"Liam! Simon! LADS!", I scream.

Huge footsteps come up to the stairs and Simon runs into the bathroom.

"Baleigh!", he breaths out, "What in the hell happened!"

"I heard someone crying in here, and I didn't know who it was. So I went I check in Baleigh's room and she wasn't there. I opened her laptop Simon. She was reading hate mail that was directed to her."

"No. I didn't want this to happen! This is why she was a secret in the first place!", I says pushing me out of the way and he grabs Baleigh.

I stand up and stare at Simon. He holds his daughter and letting his tears out.

"Where the lads?", I say and my voice was tense.

"They went to eat. I need you to call the police, an ask for a ambulance."

I nod and pull out my phone. I dialed the number and told them to get a ambulance here right away. Once I told them the address I hung up.

In about 5 minutes the ambulance picked up Baleigh. They let us follow the ambulance behind them so we can make sure they are okay. I told Niall that they need to be at the hospital. I just hope that Baleigh would be okay. The one cut she made was very deep.
I just hope and pray that things will be alright.

Baleigh' POV

Blackness surrounded my eyelids. I could hear a faint talking but nothing else. I never knew that doing that can hurt me so bad.

I remember seeing a bright light. It's still dark, but there was only one light source I could see.

"Baleigh?", I hear a familiar voice.

"Baleigh. I know you can't hear me but, please wake up. Please wake up.", suddenly I hear sobbing.

"Liam needs you. I need you. For better and for worse. Baleigh, we all need you. We're a family.", the continued sobbing shocked me, I knew it wasn't Liam it had to be Niall.

I tired to speak but nothing came out.

"Niall! Niall! Please I'm alive! I'm awake!", I scream in my head but nothing escapes my mouth.

I try my hardest to wake. But, nothin happens. The light get closer and closer.

"Stop!", I scream at the light.

"Stop!", suddenly my eyes are open and I'm awake.

Niall looks at me with wet eyes. I could tell he's been crying for awhile because they are really puffy.

"Niall.", I grab him and hug him.

"Baleigh. Oh God, don't ever scare me again. Don't ever do this to yourself again. I love you Baleigh and so does Liam and the lads. We need you here. I need you.", he mumbles into my shoulder.

"The hate is terrible, Niall. I didn't know how to handle it. I'm sorry.", I cry.

"Just never again okay?"

I pull away from the hug. "Okay."

Well I had some time during my studying and I decided to post something. I just took two of my exams today and I think I did well. So fingers crossed.

So I got an iPhone yesterday and if you follow my Instagram I will not be posting a lot until my iPod stuff gets transferred over to my iPhone. Then I'd be posting a lot.

Follow me on some social media!

Instagram; nouispacific
Twitter; nouispacific

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Lots of love, Marissa x

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