Chapter 53

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Hello everyone! Thank you for 40k+! I love you all so much that I'm going to do a contest!

If you want to be in an upcoming new chapter then you'd want to do this simple contest! I'm only going to choose four winners!

I'm going to need you to message me on Kik and I want you to send me your own personal edits of the boys! My Kik is; xxrissatomlinson94xx
Please enter! And if you win you'll get some hints for upcoming chapters!

Songs of chapter; Warrior- Demi Lovato

Skinny Love- Birdy

Chapter 53:

"How was shopping?" Zayn asks.

"Great until paps decide to ruin it."

"Yeah, but Baleigh told them off. It was hilarious!" Perrie laughs.

"What did you do?" Liam chuckles.

"All I have to say is I learn from two of my favorite people." I wink and walk upstairs with Perrie.

Perrie and I share a laugh and walk into my room. I put my bags of clothes on my bed and floor down.

"I'm exhausted!" I groan.

Perrie flops down next to me.

"But, we have to get ready because the lads have an interview today and they want us to come." Perrie explains, "So you should wear something you bought today."

I take her advice and chose one of my jumpers I bought. It was black tribal print and I wore them with my ripped skinny jeans. I did my hair in loose curls, and topping it off with some black mascara and my white Keds.

After Perrie and I finished getting ready we all got in the van and headed to the interview.

"What interview is this?" I ask.

"Some magazine but it's a private video taped interview." Harry answers.

My eyes slowly look over to Harry and Hunter. I look down at their hands and see they are intwined. My eyes go wide and I begin to squeeze Liam's hand.

"You alright love?" Liam asks.

I begin to cough. "Um yeah I'm fine Li."

He gives me a small peck on the lips and goes back to his phone. I look back over to Hunter and she gives me a smile. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. They only time I've seen them hold hands is when they go on their "BFF days". But this seems different. They are sat closer to each other than try usually do, once and awhile I'd see Harry giving her a peck on the cheek. This isn't right. They never did this when they were "friends", never in a million years would I imagine my best friend being in love with a guy. I have to say I'm the same way. I didn't know I was going to be in love either.

"Okay everyone! We're here. The interview should be only a half and hour so I'll be out here." Paul informs us.

"Okay Paul, see ya after!" Louis opens the door and we all get out.

Once we step outside we stood in front of a huge white building. I look up at the sign that read "Pop News TV".

This can't be happening. These are the fuckers that let my secret out. I remember I was just minding my own business, until I turn on the TV to find these fuckers saying that Simon Cowell had a daughter. It's all their fault I went through this suffering bullshit. They are the people who starts rumors about the lads. Of course fucking Modest set this up.

I tighten my grip on Liam's hand as we walk inside.

"Ah! Why isn't it the One Direction lads. Come, come, Elizabeth is in the interviewing room waiting for you." A nice lady with ginger hair says.

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