Chapter 56

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Chapter 56:

*Friday: 6 days till Christmas*

Baleigh's POV





Nothing else filled my ears. Just the sound of the machine beeping. I'm awake and I know if I open my eyes, I'll be in the hospital. I'll be laying on a white bed with white sheets. I'm going to have bandages all over my thighs and wrists. I'm going to not look like myself. I'm going to be an immature looking girl.

I know at some point I'm going to have to open my eyes and face my family. How I'm so stupid to let my demons take over me again. How I'm so stupid that we are all celebrating Christmas on Sunday. I'm such an immature girl.

I laid here for another 15 minutes and I decided to open my eyes. Once my eyes adjusted I notice no one is in this room. I look to realize I'm not in a hospital. I have needles in my arms that is hooked up to a machine and bandages on my thighs and wrists, like I expected. The windows had bars on them and I'm just in a big white room with bar for windows. But instead I'm in a hospital bed.

I sit up straight and rub my eyes. All I think is that I've gone crazy and they put me in a mental home, but I know they wouldn't do that.


I look up from the bed at the door. Liam stood there, and it was only Liam.

"Liam." Tears began to stream down my face.

He runs over to my bed and wraps his arms around me. I let my tears out in his shoulder as I hear Liam trying to calm me down.

"Why am I here? What is this place? I want to go home with you." I cry out.

"You can't go home right now."

I pull away from the hug.

"Why not? What's going on?"

He sighs and wipes my tears. My eyes lock on his and he shakes his head.

"This place is rehab. And your going to be here till Sunday morning-"

"But we're having our Christmas Saturday!" I blurt.

"We all discussed it and well have it Sunday morning when you get home and then everyone will leave Monday morning."

I sniffle. "I want to go home."

"I want you home too, but this what we all want for you. This is twice now Baleigh and we don't want you to have these thoughts again. But I need you to tell me...what makes you want to do this to yourself?"

I leave contact with his eyes and stare at my lap. I remember the first time he asks me why I did this to myself. I didn't answer him and then I got the feeling that I wasn't wanted here and I ran away.

I sigh. "Pop TV." I mumble.

"What?" Liam asks, "Look at me."

I shoot my head up at him.

"Pop TV. Don't you ever see what they say about me. Ever since I came into the picture I'm all they talk about! Something is up, Liam! I don't know what it is, but someone is doing something to make me feel this way to push me out of the picture."

All I could think of one company that wants me gone.


Liam left an hour ago and the nurses said I wouldn't have to be connected to machines anymore. So they unhook me and take me into the cafeteria. They told me to have a seat and they'd bring me my food. I'm not broken I could've got my food my bloody self.

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