Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Liam got ready and we were off. Paul let us borrow the van to go find Niall. I could tell Liam was uncomfortable because...well you know we just had sex and we are now looking for Niall. I bet the lads and Hunter are pissed at me because I might be hurting there best lad. I'm afraid Niall won't laugh again like he use to, or even smile brightly. I swear the God if he is doing something stupid right now...oh my gosh I don't know what I'll do.

"Baleigh. Are you ok.", he lays his hand on my thigh.

"Yea. Yea Li I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it.", he looks at me with concern.

I sigh loudly and grip the steering wheel. "What we did was wrong."


"I cheated on Niall, Liam. He will never forgive us. We have to tell him.", I sigh again.

"Baleigh we can't tell him. He will be broken inside!"

"Do you just want me to go on with my day kissing him and almost having sex with him to! Do you want that! Do you want him touching my body the way you di-", I yell before I'm cut off.

"Pull over I'm getting out!", he yells putting his hands up in defense.

With that I slam on the brakes and pull over. I notice we are in front of the club. Liam is covering his face, I know he is crying. I regret saying what I just said. I'm an idiot!

"Liam. I'm so sorry I didn't mean it.", I put my hand on his shoulder.

He continues to cry. He removes his hands, leaving his eyes red and puffy like earlier. I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach over to hug him. He cries in my shoulder.

"Please don't cry. I'm sorry I said that, I regret it Li.", I kiss the side of his head.

"Can we just find Niall so I can leave."

I nod and stop the car. We get out and show the guy our IDs. He let us in and we were off to find Niall. Smoke and alcohol fills my nostrils, it's staring to make me dizzy.

"Lets separate, call if you find him.", I tell Liam.

He nods and I was left alone. I start to walk through the crowd while bumping into people. The music was making the floor vibrate. I accidentally fall and so does the person I bump into. His drink spills all over me and I was about the puke. I got up without looking who the guy was, all I say is that he was a drunk guy. I push past people and try to find a bathroom. Once I find the bathroom I twist the knob and it was locked. I began to bang on the door hoping someone will open up, I really need to get this drink off me. I look at my shoes, then the door swung open. I look up to meet a girls face. She looked drunk, and her lipstick was smeared. She pushes me to the side and walks away. Before I could walk in the bathroom someone opens the door again and there stood Niall. His shirt is unbuttoned his chest covered in red lipstick, his pants are unbuckled and open. My mouth dropped. He was in the bathroom with that girl.

"Baleigh? What are you doing here.", his voice slurs a bit.

I didn't say a word. I look him up and down again. I start to back up slowly.

"Baleigh. It-it isn't what it looks like.", he stutters.

Again I say nothing, I turn to run but he grabs my wrist. I jerk and try to get out of his hold.

"Let go of me! Leave me alone Niall! You cheated on me!", I begin to cry.

"Baleigh, please listen to me!", he tightens the grip on my wrist.

"Let go of her Niall!", I hear a voice behind me yell.

I turn my head to see who it was but he was gone. Suddenly the grip was gone off my wrist and Niall was on the floor, Liam on top of him. Liam's fist connect to Niall's jaw, and I began to scream. I grab Liam and try to pull him off. Once I did, Liam stood up and walked away.

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