Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"You? No baby. I'll be doing all the work."

He slowly slid down to his knees and stood on them between my legs. I looked down at his curly blonde locks, and licked my lips. Niall kisses the inside of my thighs, letting him do all the work. Niall unbuttoned my shorts and slid them to my ankles. He chuckles at my panties, and I look down.

"You get wet fast.", he chuckled.

I roll my eyes and tilt my head back. Niall started to kiss in between my thighs again. Suddenly I heard a door slam, which meant someone must be home.

"Baleigh! Darling! I'm home!", I heard my father.

"Fuck!", I muttered.

I ran out of Niall's grip and pleasure. I slipped on my shorts and buttoned them. Niall sat on the bed panting. He must be worried about my father.

"Stay here.", I whisper to Niall, "Coming daddy!"

I flung the door open and my father stood in the doorway. His arms crossed over his chest with an anger look on his face. I gulped and tried to hide Niall out of my fathers sight. But, it was to late. My father was in my room in two seconds. He stood before Niall, and was pissed. Niall stood up.

"Sir nothing happened. Your daughter is sick and I was taking care of her.", he half lied.

My father tensed up more, and released his arms. His fists tightened.

"You've only been home two days and your going behind my back!", those words slipped from his lips and into my ears, "Dating is something you won't ever be doing Baleigh!"

I take a step back. Niall tensed up and clenched his fists. "She didn't do anything wrong Simon!", Niall lied, "She is the most treasuring thing that I've ever seen!", Niall stood up for me.

"What do you mean treasuring?", my father turned back to face Niall.

"I know I only known her for two days but, she needs the respect of a real man.", Niall walks past my dad and in front of me, "Someone that will always be here for her."

I gulp as there is a small gap between our lips. I know my father disapproves of me dating but, I'm taking the risk. I'm going to piss him off but I don't give two shits. "Besides you aren't acting like a father if you won't let her have a relationship with someone.", Niall turned away from me to face my father.

"I bet you don't even know how to be a father.", Niall stood up for me.

Niall was right. I bet my father wasn't even fit to be a dad at all. Since my mother passed away I had nobody but my dad. Then he moved me to the US when I was 9. My nanny always took care of me ever since, and my father missed so much of my life.

"I'm trying to be.", my father sighed and walked out of the room.

I tried to blink back the tears. I know my father is trying. But, usually parents let you date. Never my father.

Simon's POV

"I'm trying to be.", I sighed and shifted out of her room.

I'm afraid to lose the only person I love. Baleigh is a precious, sensitive, and inspiring women. I'm afraid I'm going to lose her like I lost- Rebecca. Baleigh looks just like her mum. It was tragic when her mother passed. I wish I was there when it happened. No. My stupid job made me never see my wife again. The cancer got to her so bad. I didn't even know she went to the hospital. All I can say is. Thank God Baleigh wasn't there to witness it. Rebecca died when Baleigh was just 8 and that's when I sent her to America so, she wouldn't end up like her mum.

It was the most tragic day of my life. Getting a phone call in the middle of a recording. I miss Rebecca's beautiful and charming face. But, I always see that in Baleigh's face.

"Hey Uncle Si!", Harry and Louis pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hi boys.", I prop my elbows on the island and cover my face.

"Uncle Simon? What's wrong?", Harry puts his hand on my back.

I sigh. "Do you guys think I should let Baleigh have dating rights?", I removed my hands from my face.

Louis and Harry sit across from me on the island. "Sir. My mum wouldn't let me start dating until I was 17, and Baleigh is 17.", Louis propped his elbows up.

Harry looks at me with concern. "I'm 19 and I'm dating to.", Harry explains.

The boys are right. Baleigh should date whoever she wants.

"Thanks boys.", I weak smile, "I will talk to her tomorrow morning."

(Hey guys! I've been home sick so I was writing all day. So I hope you enjoy the early update! xx)

The Secret Daughter of Simon Cowellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें