Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

Baleigh's POV

I continue to walk until I see a bright red sign that read 'Motel 6'. Maybe I can rent a room for tonight. I began to pick up the pace when I walk because I didn't want to stand out in this cold any longer. Once I made it inside a old women sat a chair behind the counter.

"Welcome to Motel 6.", her voice crackled a bit.

"Um yes. A room for one.", I say.

"It's 40 dollars a night.", she says.

"Okay.", I gave her $80 to start with.

She gives me a key. "Hope you enjoy your stay sweetheart.", she gave me a warm loving smile.

"Thank you.", I smile back taking the key.

"If you need anything call the office. My name is Judy by the way.", she says before I leave.

I nod at her, "I'm Baleigh.", I say with a smile and walk outside.

I shrug my duffle bag over my shoulder and find my room. I stick the key in the hole and open the door. I flicked on the light an notice the room isn't a pleasant sight. The room smelled like something died, the bed looks dirty, the TV is small. But I can't complain. I'm the one who ran away.

I shut the door behind me and drop my bag on the bed. I unzip my bag and search for my phone. I turn it on and no notifications. I turn it off and shove it in my bag again. I walk into the bathroom and I can say the bathroom looks nicer than anything. I walk back out of the room and grabbed some clean clothes. Once I did I went to take a shower. I really do need this.

Liam's POV

Once we got home the house got silent. Everyone, I mean everyone was in the living area. Uncle Simon, Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Hunter. Everyone stared at me.

"What's going on.", I say taking off my jacket and hanging it up.

"Liam please sit.", Simon says calmly.

I do as commanded and sit next to Harry. "Liam. Baleigh is gone.", Harry says mumbling.

I couldn't believe my ears. "What?"

"Baleigh was no where. She is gone.", Harry repeated.

"And I'm worried sick! I can't keep calm anymore!", Simon cries out.

"Uncle Si. We are all worried. Please don't cry.", Niall wraps his arm around his shoulder.

"What. What. What! You all are joking right!", I say getting up from my seat.

"Liam calm down. For Simon's sake.", Louis stands up.

"Calm down?", I whisper, "What about for my sake!"

I'm hyperventilating. The room is spinning. This can't be real. I mean she is gone. She ran away? Was it because of me, or something else? I'm so dizzy I can't stand so I sit back down.

"Why would she leave.", I cup my face to see if this was real.

"Maybe all the things that are happening to her.", Zayn says.

Niall begins to sigh loudly. "Guys can I talk to Liam and Hunter alone."

My heart stops. What is all happening!
Once everyone left I just sat there in silent. Waiting for what is about to come. I wonder if Hunter knows what Niall is going to say? My mind is so fucked.

He sighs once again. He runs his fingers threw his hair.

"Hunter, I'm so sorry...I-I don't know what went wrong with me. And Liam I fucked up big time man I promise this won't ever happen. I love you both but Hunter I don't know if this is working out. I don't know what to do I'm fucked up.", he begins to cry.

"What did you do?", I whisper looking at my lap.

Hunter stayed quiet. She stared into space and I could tell she is holding back tears.

"She kissed me and I kissed her back."

My heart stops. My whole world freezes. Slow mo. It's happening again but reverse. Why me? Why us? This is breaking our family apart. This has to been why Baleigh left.

When I stop thinking and realize what he just said my world began to play again. Hunter sat there with her face covered. She let her tears go and she knows that her own boyfriend and best friend cheated. My own girlfriend cheated. I know how it feels now. How Niall felt when I did it to him. Karma fucking bit my ass.

Hello people of the fucking universe! How's it going? Well I just wanted to say some things before I let you all go

I just want to say thank you for 6.4k!!! I noticed on Christmas Day I only had 5k and now it's 6.4!!! Man I really love you guys! Baleigh, Hunter, and I are so grateful to have you guys! We want to give you a massive thank you!

Happy Holidays by the way!

Love you guys! I'll post after New Year's Eve. I promise I'll try!

Happy Holidays! ~Marissa x

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