Chapter 54

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Chapter 54:

*December: Thursday 1 week till Christmas*

"I can't believe I'm gonna have my first back home after 18 years." I say as Hunter and I walk down the snowy sidewalk.

"You must be excited." She says giving me a smile.

I give her a nod as we walk into a small cafe. We order our drinks and take a seat.

"So what are you going to do for Christmas?" I ask as I rub my cold hands together.

She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm not sure yet. Since all my things have been flown out here I guess this would be were I'm living here in London from now on. But Harry wants me to go to his hometown and visit his family, then we are going to America to visit my mom a couple days after Christmas and spend New Years there."

I nod.

"What are Liam and you doing?"

We haven't discussed Christmas yet. None of us have. Christmas is a week away and Louis' birthday on Christmas Eve. I think we should really discuss this more.

"We haven't talked about it."

They lady brings our coffee over. We thank her and continue our conversation.

"Have you even got anyone presents?" Hunter asks taking a sip of her coffee.

I shake my head no.

"I haven't either."

Once we got home I assembled everyone in the living for a Christmas family meeting.

"Okay. We need a plan for Christmas if everyone is going to their hometowns for Christmas." I say.

"What are we going to do?" Louis blurts.

"Well when is everyone leaving?"

"Hunter and I are leaving on Sunday." Harry speaks.

"So is Perrie and I." Zayn also says.

"Us to." Louis and Eleanor say in unison.

"I am also." Niall mutters.

I stand there looking at everyone. I guess everyone is leaving the same day. Perfect.

"Okay. Liam and I are also."

"So when should we have our Christmas?" Harry asks.

It took me a minute to think of the week.

"Saturday?" I suggest.

Everyone looks around the room at everyone. They all nod with agreement. I clap my hands together with a big smile on my face.

"Okay. Well I'm off to buy presents." I jog over and grab my purse and jacket.

"By yourself?" Liam says.

"Well yeah." I gasp, "Mr. Payne are you trying to come with me and try to see your present?"

A chuckle escapes his lips. "You caught me." He pecks my lips.

I'm glad I got my drivers license last month so I can go on my own to get the presents.

I grab the keys off the rack and head to the mall.

I get to the mall and start to think. I know what everyone likes but I can't decide what to get everyone.

I decide to go to Top Shop and get Hunter a couple shirts and jumpers. I think of my father and I just got him a coffee mug that said "#1 Dad". I go simple on Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis and got them gift cards. Niall a Nando's gift card and the rest a $50 iTunes card.

The last person to but for is Liam. I think of what he would like. He likes video games but that would just be stupid. A small smile creeps onto my face and I walk over to a toy store that is in the mall. I walk through the isles and I finally found what Liam would love. It's a--

Liam's POV

While Baleigh was out I took the other van and went to a jewelry store. I knew she was probably at the mall or someplace else so I don't go there.

I thought on buying her necklace or a bracelet but I'm not sure. I don't know if she would even wear it.

Anxiety rushes through me.

But in the pit of my stomach I know Baleigh likes anything I get her. All I know is I want this Christmas to be special. This is her first Christmas back at home with her real family. He wanted to make it something she can remember. Like something she can tell our kids one day.

I walk into the jewelry place near the mall. If Baleigh is somewhere near this place, hopefully she won't see the van.

"Hello! Can I help you find something?" The nice women asks when I walk into the store.

"Uh yes hi. I'm looking for something I get for my girlfriend for Christmas."

"Do you a have a budget?"

I think for a minute.

"No I don't."

The lady gives me a warm smile and gestures me to follow her.

"What does you girlfriend like?"

I smile and shove my hands I my jeans.

"Music. She sings and plays."

"Perfect. I know exactly what you should do." The lady smirks.

Baleigh's POV

I hurry into the house and run up to my room with all the bags of presents. I set the presents on my bed and went to go get wrapping paper and tape. I wrap Hunter, my dad, and Liam's presents and put the lads gift cards in nice small gift card boxes.

I look at Liam's presents. How it's neatly wrapped. How the wrapping paper is just plain red with a white ribbon. A smile creeps onto my face. I know this present will make this his favorite Christmas.


"What's one thing you had as a favorite item as a child." Liam asks.

I snuggle more closer to him as we watch the credits roll in. We watched the new Toy Story that I haven't seen before. Of course Liam recommended it to me.

"I had a baby doll that peed and I named her Ellie. I'd take her everywhere with me. What was yours?"

"Well it was actually a Woody doll."

"From Toy Story?"

He nods. "It meant a lot to me. I'd pretend to be a cowboy and we'd ride the Wild West together. But one day my house caught on fire and my sisters and I lost everything."

"Even Woody?"

He nods and a tear rolls down his cheek.

"I wrote my name on it's shoe like Andy did in the movie."

I stare at him as he looks forward and let's tears fall from his eyes.

"He was my only friend. I'd tell him everything. But now he's gone."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him tight. I know what it's like losing a toy you loved. I had to level my baby doll back in America with my nanny that watched me. I know I will never get it back. It's like losing part of your childhood.

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