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"what made you want to come home at 3am" Ariana asks "thats your my mum and that I dont want to make you upset" Sophie says "I saw your heart break when I begged Grandma to take me i thought you hated me" Sophie sniffs "i would never hate you Sophie. no matter what a child does i would always love them" Ariana hugs her.

"can you explain the full story so I can help you feel apart of the family" Ariana asks taking her hand taking their drinks that they had ordered. "Hudson noticed it too that when ever I was around Joe would rub it in my face and become proper loving towards Lydia" Sophie says "and when ever I tried to open up to you Joe would always come and hand her to you and be made to go with him" she adds "oh sweetheart im so sorry" Ariana strokes her knuckles. "and then when you had Lydia he became so protective over you and stopped looking for a job and your vulnerable mummy" Sophie says taking Ariana by surprise. "your whole relationship Joe has worked for you, after tour he promised you he would find a job and he never did" she adds "and i feel like i lost me connection with daddy" Sophie says.

"no" Ariana looks at her "i dont want to make that happy what can I do" Ariana asks making Sophie smile "tell me about daddy more" Sophie says "i can do that" Ariana nods wanting to help her little girl out.

"sorry Im making your life so hard work" Sophie sighs "no you have feelings" Ariana says "i dont want you to leave joe" Sophie says "I want Lydia to have a dad because its what she deserves I just want my connection back with my daddy" Sophie says "and I will help you get that back i promise you Sophie and Ill talk with Joe and tell him to stop" Ariana says and Sophie nods "can I get another one" Sophie giggles "now whos spending all my money Ariana raises her eyebrows "i came out your vagina" Sophie says "because I love you so much" Ariana hands her card to her making Sophie smile going to order another drink.

Sophies phone lights up and Ariana looks and smiles. "hey mummy" Sophie whines "that photo is so cute" Ariana says "oh i thought you were reading Jordans messages" Sophie pouts "i took that photo by the way" Ariana smiles "really" Sophie asks "yeah you were about 5 months there sat in his lap in new york when he got anxiety about taking you out somewhere" Ariana says "how do you remember that" Sophie asks standing up "you remember how I told you mummy was engaged" Ariana asks and Sophie nods "to someone called Pete and I googled his name and damn i'm glad you left" Sophie says making Ariana rolls her eyes "anyway I was getting a little bit annoyed at Pete posting so much of you and I had to tell him to stop because you weren't his kid so i took that photo of you and daddy so they knew your dad was seeing you" Ariana explains. "i mean thats nice" Sophie smiles "you know what I hate" Ariana asks "the fact you were blankets and teddy's and this kid is dummys because Joe wont give her a blanket" Ariana pouts. "i never had a dummy" Sophie asks "nope me and your daddy didnt want to give you one because when ever you fell asleep you held onto a top or blanket oh you were cute" Ariana smiles.

"duh Im your favourite" Sophie giggles "I dont have a favourite child" Ariana states making Sophie roll her eyes. "can Jordan stay tonight" Sophie asks shyly "of course" Ariana says.

Ariana was trying to get Sophie back to her happy self. She knew she was going to have to help her through it but right now she just wanted some time with her girl.

"if Hudson was a girl would you have wanted Lydia to be a boy" Sophie asks "girls cost too much" Ariana states "your 4th Christmas you had a room full of presents making mummy life hard work" Ariana says making Sophie giggle "because you loved your little girl" Sophie walks into victoria secret.

"I choose a bad shop to come in with you" Sophie chuckles "i still have to wash it" Ariana says "Sophie as long as you have underwear I don't care" Ariana rolls her eyes "im limiting you to 1000 today and thats all your getting" Ariana says "i dont need that many things in this store" Sophie says "thats for any other store you go in too" Ariana says making her nod.

"why would someone wear that" Sophie says holding up a lingerie set. "they just do" Ariana shrugs making Sophie narrow her eyes at her "ewww mummy" Sophie says "what it was for a music video" Ariana says "good" Sophie nods.

"i disagree with them" Ariana says making Sophie look to her "why i have similar ones" Sophie asks "because I have them" Ariana says "okay point taken" Sophie says.

"mummy" Hudson cries as they walk through the door making "yes" Ariana asks "mum give her to me" Sophie says making Ariana babd Lydia over so Ariana could go focus on her son. "im guessing you want milk" Sophie says walking to the fridge and looking to see if there was anything in there.

"i mean your home like 8 hours and you already have her" Karen smiles "what do I do" Sophie asks making Karen chuckle making the milk for her. "Hudson is sick and Joe walked out" Sophie says feeding her sister.

"oh whats wrong with Hudson" Karen asks "hes being sick not sure right now though mummy took my shopping" Sophie says. Ariana comes into the kitchen. "you didnt need to feed her baby i would have got to it" Ariana says "its okay" Sophie smiles "hi" Ariana smiles to Karen.

"so have you spoken" Karen asks and Sophie nods "good" she replies. "I think she pooped" Sophie hands her back to Ariana "thanks" Ariana says grabbing a nappy and changing her bum.

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