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"Hudson" Ariana calls making him come down the stairs. "Yes" he asks "want to watch a movie with me and your sister" Ariana asks and he nods smiling sitting down. "Can we watch it in your bed" Sophie asks "of course" Ariana smiles "why dont we get takeaway" Ariana says "yesssss" Sophie says making Ariana chuckle.

Ariana orders them all takeaway. "How would you two feel if I released and album" Ariana asks "Why you asking us" Hudson asks "because it puts you two more in the spot light." Ariana says "I don't mind mum. I grew up from being a baby in the busiest pap place i dont mind" Sophie smiles "and it makes you happy so I don't care" she adds kissing her mamas cheek. "Thats so unfair" Hudson whines "hey mum did it to protect you" Sophie says "but why not you Im confused" Hudson pouts.

Sophie looks to her mum who really didn't know how to explain. "When I was born My daddy was still alive and he took care of me. And mummy went out a lot" Sophie says "Hudson theres reasons for everything" Ariana sighs standing up to get the door.

"Its a difficult subject for mum please try and not upset her" Sophie asks "okay" Hudson says and Sophie nods.

Ariana carries three plates to them and hands them the pizza. "Thanks mama your the best" Hudson smiles "Sophie phone" Ariana says "and thanks baby" Ariana smiles. "Sorry" Sophie leans over to put it on charge.

They all eat as a family before they go and watch a family movie. "Sophies got a boyfriend" Hudson says "Im speaking to Lexie" Sophie chuckles "how's she feeling" Ariana asks "she said a lot better" Sophie smiles.

"Mummy" Sophie asks seeing her mum upset. Ariana wipes her eyes not wanting her daughter to see her like that even though she already had. "Mummy I remember don't hide it" Sophie says, Ariana looks up. "Why didn't you mention anything then" Ariana asks confused. "Because its a hard subject mum. I didn't want to make you sad. You were so sad when it happened mum." Sophie hugs her mum.

"Im sorry sweetheart" Ariana says "don't be sorry mummy. It happened and you got Hudson yes he could have been different but He loves you mama" Sophie sits on her lap.

"I know he does baby I love him so much." ariana holds her daughter. "I love you mama come back to bed pleassee" Sophie asks and Ariana nods standing up and going to get back in bed.

Ariana held Sophie so close to her. Sophie didn't mind though since her mama was happy.

Ariana woke up and let go off Sophie making her whine and hold onto her. Ariana smiles as she remembered back to the days when she was three and would cling to her. Ariana gently strokes her hair letting her sleep. "Good morning mummy" Hudson smiles "good morning beautiful boy" Ariana smiles to him.

"You and Sophie look cute" He smiles "I wish she wouldn't whine I need the toilet" Ariana pouts "make her wake up then" he laughs getting out of bed and leaving the room. Ariana gently woke Sophie and she smiles "sorry" Sophie says "its okay" Ariana kisses her head. Ariana climbs off the bed and goes to the toilet.

"Damn" Sophie whines. "What" Ariana asks "I didn't charge my phone" Sophie pouts making Ariana chuckle. "Mummy when does my room start to get done" Sophie asks "next week any girl so your with me or the spare room" Ariana says "you" Sophie giggles "thought you would say that" Ariana says finding something to wear.

"Isn't it wired that We share a bed sometimes" Sophie asks "I don't mind it. I guess if I was really uncomfortable then We wouldn't but I don't mind you in my bed" Ariana says getting changed.

"Mum you put your top on the wrong way" Sophie giggles. Ariana pouts. "What we doing today" Sophie asks "first your getting out of bed. Hudsons got tutor with grandma since shes picking him up from football." ariana says "and I was going t go studio but gyms now cancelled" Ariana says "Can I come studio too" Sophie asks "sure baby girl" Ariana smiles "well go have a shower and Ill see what your brothers doing"

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