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Ariana walks into Sophies room and smiles at her little girl cuddled into Harvey. "Stop staring at them" Joe chuckles pulling Ariana out the room. "Shes my little girl still" Ariana pouts "I know she is" he takes her to the bedroom. "Do you think I need to talk to her" Ariana asks "about what... sex" Joe asks and Ariana nods. "I mean you will have to at some point but I wouldn't say shes that bothered right now but if you feel the need that you have to then you can" Joe says "I mean shes a smart girl Ariana she tells you everything. She woke us both up just to tell you she had her first kiss thats so cute." Joe says "thats true" Ariana giggles climbing under the sheets next to him.

"What if they have already" Ariana panics making Joe hold her. "Shhh you would be able to tell" Joe kisses her head "we both knew when Lexie had" he says making Ariana nod snuggling into him.

"Mummy Sophies being sick" Hudson says making Ariana run up to her. "Baby girl its okay" Ariana rubs her back. "Whats going on" Jack asks "is she okay can I get you anything" he asks "I'm okay with her" Ariana says and Jack nods walking away.

"I hate being sick" Sophie sobs hugging her mother. "Shhh I'm know" Ariana rubs her back helping her stand up and to bed. "Can I not be downstairs" Sophie whines "fine" Ariana picks her up carrying her downstairs and placing her on the sofa with a blanket.

"Daddy" Lexie whines making them all look to him. "What you want" Joe asks "a new phone" she smiles sweetly. "Nope" Joe says making Sophie giggle. "Stop you" Ariana says kissing her head "but Sophies phones is ace I want it" Lexie pouts. "I said No. Sophie actually physically broke hers and she bought it herself" Joe says "but Ariana pays you like £4ooo a week" Lexie pouts making Ariana spit her drink out. "I do" Ariana questions. "I pay him £500 a week" She says "and my team pay him £1000" Ariana says "don't throw the fact Ariana has money in her face" Joe says "and no you are not having a new phone" Joe adds getting up to give Ariana a hug.

"Whats this for" Ariana asks rubbing his back "I don't know I just love you" Joe smiles kissing her lips. "Mummy where is my phone" Sophie asks "here" Ariana says handing it to her.

"Mummy" Hudson smiles "yea beautiful" Ariana asks pausing the movie Joe and her were watching. "I cant sleep" he pouts climbing into a hug. Ariana rubs his back. "Whats on your mind" Joe asks "I don't know I just cant sleep" Hudson says "baby boy you cant stay here" Ariana chuckles "thats mean" he pouts "Hudson you have been good for 3 months" Ariana says "its not my fault I have sleeping problems." Hudson says "shhh I know its okay" Ariana rubs his back. "Can I sleep on the floor next to you" he asks "then you may as well sleep on the bed" Ariana rolls her eyes.

"Hudson" Sophie smiles coming into Ariana's room. "Sophie your sick go to sleep" Ariana sighs "you can come and sleep with me." Sophie says making Hudson climb off the bed and go with his sister.

"Now I feel like a shit mum" Ariana pouts "Ariana you were told to try make him sleep alone away from you" Joe rubs her back. "But i just let him sleep with Sophie" Ariana says "he will realise that he wont be able to sleep with you or Sophie soon" He kisses her head.

Ariana presses play on their movie.

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