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Sophie runs into her mothers arms holding on to her. Ariana rubs her back "I love you so much" Ariana says "I love you too Im sorry" Sophie sniffs. "its okay" Ariana kisses her head. "Ill be here in the morning" Karen tells them and Ariana nods taking Sophies bag.

"come on precious angel" Ariana says making Sophie look up to her "want to sleep" Ariana asks and Sophie nods. "stay with me" she asks and Ariana nods climbing into her bed. Sophie holds on to her like it would be the last time she ever would.

Ariana had no idea what was going through her head but she sure wanted to help her through it. Ariana had always been so protective over Sophie and she didn't want that to change.

"morning mummy" Hudson smiles coming into Sophies room "how did you know I was in here" Ariana asks "I guessed because your car is here and you were no where else in this house" he smiles "can you do me a favour baby boy" Ariana asks making him nod "can you tell Joe to stay away from this room" Ariana asks and Hudson nods kissing his mothers cheek before he left the room going to make some food for himself which wasn't that much with him still not feeling too good.

Joe came down the stairs and smiles to Hudson "where is your mum" Joe asks "in Sophies room she wants leaving alone" Hudson say and Joe nods grabbing some milk for his girl.

"Sophie princess come on" Ariana gently strokes her back making Sophie shake her head against her "I know your awake" Ariana tells her kissing her head "am not" Sophie says making Ariana chuckle. "Ill take you to Starbucks" Ariana says "what about to Victoria secret too" Sophie sits up "im sure I can take you shopping too" Ariana says "okay Ill get up" Sophie says making Ariana shake her head.

"Jordan came round yesterday" Ariana says "I know he messaged me" Sophie replies climbing off the bed "we are not going anywhere till we have talked though" Ariana says making Sophie climb back into bed.

Ariana rolls her eyes "why are you me" Ariana pouts making Sophie giggle "because your my mama who I follow" Sophie giggles kissing her cheek. "but it is so cold" Sophie says making Ariana grab her a jumper and throwing it to her making Sophie put it on. "its okay" Ariana says.

Ariana walks down with Sophie and Joe looks at them. "why are you so cuddly with her she practically hated you" Joe asks making Ariana take Sophies hand. "SHES MY FUCKING DAUGHTER" Ariana spits hugging Sophie. "I DON'T HATE MUMMY I HATE YOU" Sophie says gripping her mother. Ariana holds her kissing her head "go get changed" Ariana tells Sophie and she nods.

"how you feeling" Ariana asks Hudson "a little bit better" he smiles giving her a hug. "please make her stay" Hudson asks "I will try" Ariana says kissing his head before taking Lydia and lifting up her top carrying her to the bedroom.

Ariana sits on her bed and looks down to the baby girl and blinked back a few tears "i love you" Ariana kisses her head before getting changed.

Hudson comes into the room and Ariana smiles to him. "are you okay" Hudson asks "Im okay" Ariana replies doing her hair. "okay mummy" Hudson says "Im going back to bed" he says "okay baby Im going to take Sophie somewhere to talk call me if you need anything" Ariana asks and Hudson nods.

Ariana picks her back up and takes her to Sophies room. "i mean thats one way to feed" Sophie says looking at her mother "i mean she got her self in to this position" Ariana sits on the bed. "does this make you upset" Ariana asks

"no" Sophie says putting on a top which went with the jeans she had picked out. "i watched you mother Hudson" she adds doing her hair.

"bye" Joe says "bye" Ariana rolls her eyes. "I guess ive been left with you now" Ariana looks down to Lydia. "no no no" Sophie breaks down in floods of tears. Ariana stands up placing Lydia on the bed and hugging Sophie "its okay" Ariana says "no it isnt" she sniffs "im mad at Joe because hes overdramatic about being a dad in front of me and then now he is walking out without saying bye to his little girl because of me" Sophie sniffs "shh calm down its okay. I will talk to Joe okay right now lets just focus in you" Ariana kisses her head.

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