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Hudson wakes up and walk to his mums room and climbs into her bed cuddling into her. "You okay baby" Ariana mumbles "I feel sick" Hudson whines "okay baby. Shh mummy will get your medicine" Ariana sleepily climbs off the bed and walks downstairs and grabs Hudsons medicine before walking back to her room.

"I don't want to be sick no more" Hudson pouts "baby this will take time. You got a serious infection your body still needs to heel" Ariana tells him kissing his head. "Come on sleep will help" Ariana says climbing back into bed and holding her son.

"Mummy no date someone" Hudson says "why baby" Ariana asks "because me not be able to share bed anymore" Hudson pouts "me dating doesn't mean hell live with us" Ariana chuckles "does he make you happy" Hudson asks "he does but were not together yet" Ariana says kissing his head.

"Come on up" Ariana says "noooo" Hudson moans pulling the sheets over his head. "Hudson get out of bed I cant leave you here all alone" Ariana says "I'm sick mummy" Hudson whines as Ariana throws the sheets off him. "And mummy has things to do" Ariana says making him roll off the bed.

"Sophie want to go see Karen so thats where were going" Ariana says making Hudson groan and go and get changed. "Sophie" Ariana pouts "what" Sophie giggles "I like this jumper" Sophie says "and it massive for you it only just fits me" Ariana says "please I know its daddy's" Sophie asks and Ariana nods. "Fine but no more" Ariana says and Sophie nods rolling up the sleeves.

"Do you have daddy's whole wardrobe" Sophie asks confused "no but I took most of it" Ariana says handing her the car keys to go get in the car.

"Your not that sick" Ariana says checking his temperature. "Okay you have a temperature but your not That bad" Ariana says as he walks out to the car. "Mummy can be get Starbucks" Sophie asks "no its unfair on your brother" Ariana says "mummy I don't mind" Hudson says "you sure Hudson Im making you come" Ariana says and Hudson nods.

Ariana drives them to Starbucks and orders then all some drinks and Hudson a cake since he liked them from here. "There you go" Ariana hands him his water and cake. "Thanks mama" Hudson smiles. "Your welcome" Ariana smiles driving to Karens.

"Grandma" Sophie smiles running into her arms. Hudson falls onto the sofa "Hudson don't be rude" Ariana rolls her eyes "its okay Ariana i see him like a grandchild" Karen smiles. "Im sick leave me alone" Hudson says "Ariana you pulled him out" Karen chuckles "I couldn't leave him hone alone i have stuff to do" Ariana pouts feeling like a bad mother "Hudson your mother wouldn't pull you out if you were that sick" Karen says.

"Nice jumper" Karen looks to Sophie "don't mention is around mummy" Sophie giggles "Sophie as long as you don't take anymore your good" Ariana says "Ariana its her dads clothes" Karen says "and its also the last thing I have of him" Ariana says "daddy gave you the sperm to make me" Sophie says "Sophie" Karen says "what I'm the last thing he gave her" Sophie says "he gave her plenty of stuff daddy really did live your mama" Karen says "more stories" Sophie smiles "what you want to know" Karen asks "what was it like to see your son date someone like mummy" Sophie asks "Ariana oh we loved her from the moment they first met are 19 when they were really food friends. We were so happy when she helped him get sober she would go round all the time and just lay with him to help him get better" Karen says "so mummy helped him get sober and stress brought it all back" Sophie asks and Karen nods.

"Your dad would do anything for your mother. And I'm sure she dis everything she could for him" she explains.

"Sophie come here" Ariana says making Sophie walk over to her. "Don't be afraid to talk. I know its hard for you to understand" Ariana says. Sophie may be 14 but it was still hard for her to think that the only time shes seen her dad is when she was a baby and didn't remember.

"Its so hard mummy. I will never get to know what it feels like for your dad to love you to be there for you. Its so hard to think That Ill never get to meet the man that everyone tells me he loved me so much. Where the fuck is he mum he died what does that show me he couldn't even be here for me" Sophie breaks down in floods of tears. Ariana wraps her in and hug gently swaying them.

Every time Sophie mentions her dad her heart broke even more for her little girl. Seeing how Sophie reacts to this it made her glad she aborted the baby because she couldn't have dealt with two of this.

"Fuck" Ariana mutters "what" Sophie asks holding her mum. "joes coming round. I told him he could but your upset" Ariana says "its okay mummy he knows you love me and he doesn't mind just sitting." Sophie sniffs. "I can tell him not to come" Ariana says "no its okay he might help cheer me up" Sophie says.

Ariana rubs her back gently.

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