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"why are we in New York" Hudson asks "omg mum you havent been here in years" Sophie giggles picking up a toy she had. "I dont know Joe might be taking a job here so we may have to move" Ariana shrugs "what no" Hudson says "This is childhood" Sophie giggles hugging her mother. "I like the other house" he pouts "Hudson its not that bad living here" Sophie says "mummy was about to get married in this place" Sophie says sitting on a stool.

"wait" Hudson says "you were engaged" Hudson asks "yes" Ariana replies "he was called Pete and he stopped me from running away from mum when I got scared" Sophie says "I dont remember their relationship but it was when i was a baby" Sophie smiles "ohhh" Hudson giggles.

"damn you never cleaned the baby stuff even when you last came here" Joe says making Ariana shake her head.

"wait so why didnt things work out between you and Pete" Hudson asks "because they didnt not everything works out and thats okay" Ariana says.

"well this is a long talk me and Joe need to have and you don't really get a choice" Ariana says "thats so unfair" he pouts "your 11 and I have to keep you till your 18 so get used to it"

"Sophie has so much for freedom" He whines opening the fridge and finding loads of food "is this safe to eat" he asks "yes" Ariana rolls her eyes "Sophie has more freedom because she is 15" Ariana adds.

"how are you feeling" Joe asks "Joe i'm sorry but I dont think I could move here" Ariana honestly says. "shh its okay" he rubs her back keeping her calm. "not only is this where Sophie was brought up seeing her dad this was the place I was rapped" Ariana sniffs "sweetheart." he pecks her head "please dont be mad" she mumbles "i could never be mad at you ariana for something like this" he tells her "its just my mum and frankie and most my friends are here and i cant move" she sniffs.

"Ariana its okay"

"Sophie" Ariana says "I know my way around this place still" she giggles hugging her mama. "you do indeed." Ariana smiles "I wish you were still my 4 year old" she pouts "why 4" Ariana asks "You were just at a good age" Ariana shrugs "sassy and cute and funny" she adds "but im them now" Sophie giggles "yeah but you dont stomp around being demanding and annoying me to say sorry and when I was in so much pain and sick you were amazing" Ariana says tearing up. "mummy im taking care of you till the day you die" Sophie says "Im never dying" Ariana states "mother we all die at some point and no matter what Im going to be by your side" Sophie kisses her cheek. "even when you have kids" Ariana asks.

"yes." Sophie smiles "forever because Im your piece of daddy" she smiles "you are my piece of daddy" Ariana agrees making Sophie cuddle into her.

should i make them move back to New york or stay in LA

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